Look. Have you ever felt like you were connected to someone by some.. invisible link..? Or something weird way?
Like, let's say, as you lie down to go to sleep. You close your eyes and just feel like you are with someone sometimes. And you can feel their presences, their warmth, and sometimes smell them.
You ever felt like that?
Or like you daydream about something random, then you are just snapped back by like, some interruption? Interruption meaning, you seen a person's face but you could not quite tell who it was, you had a vivid vision of a place you might soon go to, or have been to.
Have you ever experienced anything like that?
I can't really explain it. But I am basically trying to ask;
Have you ever felt you felt what someone else was feeling? Have you ever thought you were thinking exactly like someone? Ever feel like when you thought about someone and they were thinking about you? Do you think there is something like a mental link between people?
It is kinda hard to get a single point out. I should have thought it out a bit more, but we all like that right? Iight then. Let me know.
Thank you.
Is it mutual?
From the dome of Khyote on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 0 people left me some shugga!
Eli Porter- My inspiration
Ok, before you think I thought this was funny, just listen. When I first saw this I laughed so hard. But I watched it a couple more times and realized, hey, Eli did fry dude. And he inspires me because after his pause, he came back even HARDER. He was talking bout he was the best. Not scared. And I look up to shit like that.
There are more mixes. Some are funny as hell, some cool, and some just stupid.
From the dome of Khyote on Sunday, March 29, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
This is too funny not to post...
thats all for now... ill be back to catch up soon
From the dome of B. Coles on Thursday, March 26, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
yung dick is at it again.
and so is Asa the Comic with a spoof.
i didn't enjoy that as much as I usually enjoy Asa's stuff but oh well.
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
ALC Showdown 2009
Here's some footage from my big dance competition friday.
From the dome of Anonymous on Sunday, March 22, 2009 3 people left me some shugga!
Honey on my mind, honey on my mind...
Look, I am lonely, and I have a lot of time on my hands most of the time. No job, no homework in this class. So I think.
Yes think, about a chick giving me a wink,
But she probably think I don't know what to do wit it,
only, if only I had the chance to prove it,
I PROMISE, the chance, I wouldn't abuse it...
See, I have just read, and said it isn't good if you have pre-marital relationships. And I due respect, I understand and agree. But sometimes, I feel it could be acceptable. See, I'm a cool ass, chill ass dude. Never done anyone away they didn't deserve. Why am I just here dormant and shit? With all these thoughts and urges, I am getting really frustrated. I wonder when a woman will come around. I just think, someone who DESERVES me. Damn. So I don't feel like I wasted time and money on them. But see all that right there, I didn't even mean to write...
BASICALLY, I want a good time with a female. Whether it but just a deep, and insightful though, or just the beat session, I want some female attention and shit ya'll! FIENIN!!! I feel kinda bad for the next person who I have sex with. Cause, it is going DOWN like the Titanic. That's a SURE wet and crazy event. :)
From the dome of Khyote on Monday, March 16, 2009 5 people left me some shugga!
i.. know das right, girl
I was watching a Viagra commercial and it said..
"ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex"
I know that this commercial is directed towards men and
that its talking about the actual organ but
I figured it could relate...
I feel like you must have a strong, pure hear for sex.
And that's why its meant to be saved for marriage.
Having multiple partners batters it and as you engage in it more and more
You're adding baggage and things that keep it from
functioning properly and to its best ability.
And that's why sex fucks shit up.
We aren't supposed to be having it.
Maybe that's why NO relationships work out.
Cuz ppl are having sex.
Fornication isn't of God so why should he bless your relationship?
I'm prolly hurtin some ppls feelings right now
or really hittin home
look i'm not tryina save anyone
cuz i'm just as guilty
He said, "Maybe we shouldn't have sex anymore.."
and you know what.
Maybe he's right.
In the previous post you read, "if you sense something isn't right, you're more than likely right".
That shit just hit home like... no other
i'm just a lil sad right now guys.
i'll be iigh tho.
From the dome of Anonymous on Sunday, March 15, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
And I wonder.....
Why do guys do these beautiful guys grimy? Why do these guys get into a relationship and cheat...? Why these guy act like they have no idea what respect is?Hello ladies and gents, welcome to the CAHOOTS with KHYOTE show!!!!!
(applaud)And today we have Gloria talking about how her boy friend does her wrong and leaves her asking why like Jadakiss.
(laugh)Gloria, come on out on the stage.
(applaud)HEY Gloria, welcome to the show. And you are looking BEAUTIFUL! DAMN girl. OH WEEE. WHOA. Sike naw let me stop, but yea, you look good as shit girl. (lol!!!) So, tell us about your story with your 'significant other'
Gloria: Ha ha ha, thank you Khyote. You look mighty fine yourself. Ha ha. Ok, well, I've been dating my Boyfriend, Leo, for two years now. And things were going great for a while. He used to take my out. Buy me clothes, jewelry. But mostly, spend time with me. Which I loved doing. But then he started spending less and less time with me during summer. And he said, he was busy with work because this time of year customers were relentless, but even after work, I'd ask if he wanted to spend the night and rest over my place. Usually he'd be here by the end of the phone call, but now, our phone calls don't last more than 3 minutes. He barely comes over, and only calls me during the weekend. I tried showing up to his job during the week sometimes, but his co-workers always say I show up right when goes on luch break. SO I call, and his phone is in his desk drawer. Things are just different.
(guys in the crowd: OH I CAN CHANGE ALL THAT GIRL WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOA!!!)SOOO Gloria, has he tried to tell you what's been going on? Has he communicated anything to you about anything? Or have you had the chance to ask?
Gloria: Yes and no. He's told me, he's busy with his job. And he told me, he would try to call more during the week. But hasn't. I UNDERSTAND how hard jobs could get, but damn, not even a 1 minute phone call? I've asked for a chance to come over his house to give him a message after work, and he refuse just the other night. I laughed and asked why. He basically said, he's too tired for company. I was like, oh. Ok. Goodnight. Now I'm just fed up. I need "soo" attention.Ha ha, how was his last relationship if you have any knowledge of it?
Gloria: He left he girl because he sadi she was attention hungry, and could deal with him working. He said she would call continuously while was at work. I don't know when he made it official with the break up. But I do remember he'd have different cell phones well we went out in the beginning of relationship.
BANG! We've sent a P.I. to see where dude goes on his lunch breaks. And he's been going to Kimberly's house, right down the street from the store he works at. And we also have audio of what was said inside...
Leo: Hey girl, how you been?
Kimberly: Good daddy. You hungry? I got something you can eat, and it is warm. (giggles)
Leo: No pesty calls, now take off them draws!
(audio ends)
(crowd: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! rebel rebel rebel)
Gloria: Omg, HOW THE FUCK COULD HE?!!!Quick and to the point was he?! Sucks. When we come back, hear Leo's side, and a conversation you woun't wanna miss. We'll be back after these messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, we are back! And if you weren't here to see the beginning of the show, OH WELL! TiVo bitch!!!!!. Now, Gloria, as you know, Leo is backstage awaiting for his entrance. He thinks you brought him here to go on a vacation to Hawaii and shit. Dumbass nigga. But yea, he hasn't heard anything we've said about this situation. SO are you ready for him to come out?
Gloria: Bring him out! (whimper) BRING BITCH ASS OUT KHYOTE!!!!Ok, LEO come out and she what your girl has to say!!!!!!!!
(slum ass music plays)
Leo: WTF? Gloria, what the hell? We won a vacation?!
Leo: Girl, what are you talking about, I don't know a Kimberly..?! WTF IS THIS?! Khyote man, what is this about?What is this about? Ask your girl man, shit. Fuck you asking me for? And oh yea, KIMBERLY BRING YO ASS!
(Khia- My Neck, Myback plays)
Gloria: I can't believe you Leo. I just cant. We done. I ain't even bout to trip. I knew something was up. I thought you was a real dude, but oh well.AY look gloria, I am single, I am paid, and i do NOTHING after this show which is over after 12. So what you say to a Panini at this spot down town sexy?
Gloria: Let's Dipset. What you driving?
BENZO!! HA HA! Show over ya'll see you tomorrow with Keshia and Carl. He's be taking care of a family his fionce knew NOTHING about until we helped her with her suspicions. Later!!!!!!!!!!!
I did this out of fun, but with a point. I wanted to let ya'll know I can be really creative. But I also wanted ya'll to know, if you are in a weird situation in a relationship, and someone isn't being real. AND you know it, either try to get something to work out, or just remove yourself to prevent yourself from getting hurt. ALWAYS go with your first instinct. It RARELY lies. See, I'll ALWAYS keep it real with ya'll. I really want ya'll to keep it real with me. But most importantly, if you are in a relationship, you have to want something REAL. No faking. You know?
Shit I'm tired. I type slow as hell, and it took me like an 30 minutes to write all this. So I'ma leave ya'll with this.
If you sense something isn't right, you're MORE than likely right.
From the dome of Khyote on Saturday, March 14, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
"When it get cold I turns into Wayne BRISKY"
I wonder a lot. I read, listen, see all these girls getting hurt about these guys who've hurt them. By way of cheating. By way of abuse. However.
I feel like, if you know what you are getting into, why get all caught up and her? I mean, you are 'aware' of what ma happen. So why trip when it does? Regardless of what they tell you in the beginning of a relationship. And again, WHY put yourself in that position?
-Now, I understand ppl deserve chances, but look at what you putting up to risk. A relationship that may last for a bit, or your feelings. I will ALWAYS choose my feelings. But I'm usually not the one complaining about how someone's done me grimy though.
Yea, they may seem like a good person. Yea they may say they've changed. BUT if you know their history, and don't think too well of a relationship with this person, DON'T have one.
-I mean, don't just ditch them instantly, just chill with them. In all types of situations. Just to see who the REALLY are. You know?
This was something slight.
NOTE: slight
From the dome of Khyote on Saturday, March 14, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
How you doin?!
Yao, how ya'll doing?
Me, I am decent. Trying live life like I want. But you know how hard that shit is. I've been feeling kinda low and ish, but nothing major. Just the times is rough. Just chillin.
In recent news;
Last october, I parked my car for good my tags expired and I could not renew them because my car would not pass inspection, emissions. So I knew it needed some work. So from last October to now, I've been working on my ride and shit. I got it running the other day. I was sooo excited, but it does not run well, AT ALL. So I've been trying to sell it. Which hasn't been going to well. People won't buy a bucket. So what am I to do? I don't have a job to trying to repair this, or AT LEAST save for another car. I really don't what exatcly is wrong with it. So yea, what a situation I've been in for almost a goddamn year. BLOWER. But, I really don't think about it so much. I'm relaxed and open with this situation. So I am at peace with this struggle.
I've started a new class at skool. If you didn't know, I attended Lincoln Technical Institute. And there are like 15 classes in total. 20 days per class. And I would have been starting my 6th class, but, during my 4th class, I was dealing with a lot. A horrid break up, car issues, family issues, and whatever else. And I missed 8 days of class. Which basically means, I failed that class. SO NOW, I am doing it over!!! AWESOME....... But hey, I make a path for myself, right? Oh well.
And I've been trying desperately to get a job so I could visit my best friend in Chicago. And I've been consistantly out looking since December. I need at 400 to get tickets back and forth. And maybe another 200 for funds while I am there. So in my quest in looking for a job, I realize, I won't get hired in time to make that much to see her. And now I her tell my, my ex got some money to come she her.... And I'm like, always the one with money problems. And when I do have money, I help ppl and shit. NEVER get it back. But I believe in Karma. So I do it not only because I'm a good person, but because I need all the luck I can get. But it rarely comes through/true for me. And I'm like, wtf...?! Blown. But again, I don't worry myself about shit out of my hands.
Now ask me how I'm doing. I dare ya.
From the dome of Khyote on Saturday, March 14, 2009 0 people left me some shugga!
dont let THIS be you!
This is a pair of female panties. A nice burgundy thong with pink lining.
Because someone could have dropped it on their way back to their room from doing laundry.
However, I noticed a thick white stain in the crotch of the underpants.
Don't let this be you.

This is also a real picture.
I stole it off of someone who will remain nameless's facebook page.
I'm not sure if this young lady knows this but
Dirty Pierre was there and loved it so much.
Don't let this be you.
This is obviously a comedic sketch.
The stalker version of a popular Musiq song.
But still...
don't let this be you.
From the dome of Anonymous on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
no, FUCK that.
I just realized I don't care.
I don't care about the chicks in his past cuz guess what
And you know what? I don't care abt the drama
or that he's a fuck up/ asshole.
Cuz I'm not lookin for the "head over heels
topsy turvy can't get enough of you"
from him.
I'm not lookin for the "spending every waking moment
in each others peripherals
and every sleeping moment beside each other"
from him.
I'm not lookin for a boyfriend.
I'm not lookin for a soul mate.
I'm not lookin to be in love.
I just like to mess around every once and a while.
And I'm not even tryina be a nigga y'all.
The truth of it is very feminine.
..i'm scared
I think subconsciously I go for the screw ups.
Screw ups and assholes keep me on my toes.
They keep me from fallin' for them.
The occasional drama keeps everything from being perfect.
So thanks for the reminder Carl.
Honestly, I'm just not ready for someone to seriously, genuinely like me.
I'm not ready to be the only one they like..
that's way too much pressure and
too much time to devote.
I don't really know what I'm afraid of but..
All I know is, I'll probably find someone that makes me WANT all of the above.
Damn I'ma Summer Girl LOL
Download: Summer Girl
From the dome of Anonymous on Monday, March 09, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
pussy = pussy
WARNING: This article is going to be obscene, vulgar, straightforward, and will contain a lot of profanity. If you can't handle the mothaf**in truth. Don't read it!!
-Drake [November 18th]
I've come to a motherfuckin realization y'all. These nighas out here will fuck anything. Don't matta how pink the pussy lips are, how shaved the region is, or even how fucking ugly the chick is.
And its so fucking sad that these nighas don't value themselves enough to set a standard of what they'd fuck and what they wouldn't. It's DISGUSTING. Especially when they're good looking.
Does laying her on her stomach with her face in the pillow really make a difference?
sorry i couldn't find it in english. but u get the point.
You ain't kiss her but you gave her something so much more valuable than that. I don't give a fuck if you ain't look at her face WHILE you were fucking her.. YOU STILL HAVE TO SEE HER WALKING AROUND CAMPUS. And remember that YOUR DICK... was INSIDE of... THAT.
But you chose that over this nigha... If I was her I'd feel special too...
shit... like.... i'm offended.
You'd settle for trash.
And here I am with you.
Does that mean I'm trash too?
From the dome of Anonymous on Monday, March 09, 2009 4 people left me some shugga!
"why'd you leave?"
but No...
this isn't gonna be another sob story blog about Heartbreak.
BUT i haven't done a situational article in a while y'all.
lets bring it back
"here we go yo, here we go yo, so what's, so what's the scenario"
Situation I:
Klaire is supposedly talking to Jerry. However Jerry and Lola have had previous relations. A school project put Klaire, Jerry and Lola in the same room.
Everything was cool at first.. Klaire and Jerry are flirting consistently, it's obvious there's something going on between them. However, when Klaire leaves the room to powder her nose...
..she returns to find Lola ALL OVER Jerry. Knowing there is no 'label' on their relationship she didn't say anything. So to avoid wearing her emotions she decided to leave.
A Minute Later: Klaire recieves a text from Jerry. "why did u leave?"
Situation II:
Janice is supposed to be talking to Carl. [yes the same Carl from A Nightmare Before Spring Break] It is the first day back from spring break and Carl texts Janice "im bak". Janice was working on a school project with Lola, Klaire and Jerry and couldn't respond at the time. Once she finishes and makes her way back to her room she decides to text Carl, asking him what he was doing. He doesn't respond. She calls. He doesn't answer. Seeing that the light in his room was on, she figures she'll just surprise him [maybe he's in the bathroom]
Carl and a girl he used to talk to lie beside each other in his bed. Two other chicks in the bed across and one other male playing a video game. Janice keeps composure and makes small talk. "You look cute" said Carl... she could feel her anger building.. So she removes herself from the situation to avoid wearing her emotions.
A Minute Later: Janice recieves a text from Carl. "why did u leave?"
...hell NO
In my opinion... Klaire and Janice did the right thing. They avoided confrontation and evacuated immediately. Now, I don't know how the conversation went for Klaire and Jerry but I do know how Janice's and Carl's went.
The bottom line is... neither of these nighas thought they were wrong. Mellow Yellow thinks that they wouldn't have asked, "why did u leave?" if they had cared or if they felt guilty about something.
But I think nighas are smart enough to be like "why did u leave?" regardless.. and i also think that someone needs to TELL them why they were wrong for future reference.
It's like those nighas that say gettin head isn't cheating.
Just cuz you ain't do nothing for her don't mean you ain't do nothing wrong.
Carl and Jerry LET these females proceed.
But whole time...
thats not even my problem.
My problem is, Carl could have responded to Janice and said, "you might not want to come by, Sophia is here". Janice knows about Sophia and her extra clingy tendencies. Janice and Sophia have almost gotten into it before. Now, this could have been easier on Janice if Carl had just responded to her text message or answered her call. He was probably trying to avoid them running into each other put BADAOW... look what scheme scheme plot plottin got YO ASS CARL.. YEAH CARL... HOW YOU FEEL NOW CARL??
..he don't care
he don't see why Janice is mad..
do you?
From the dome of Anonymous on Sunday, March 08, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
Get Your tanslators ready...for the most part...
Okay, so some of not mist of this blog will be in spanish... this blog will be about a song that describes exactly how i felt/kinda still feel about a certain situation...
la canciĆ³n es llamada"Si una vez"
Yo Te Di Todo Mi Amor Y Mas
Y Tu No Reconoces Ni Lo Que Es Amar
Yo Me Puse Dispuesta A Tus Pies
Y Tan Solo Con Desprecio Me Has Pagado Pero Ahora Ve
Si Una Vez Dije Que Te Amaba Hoy Me Arrepiento
Si Una Vez Dije Que Te Amaba No Se Lo Que PenseEstaba Loca
(Si Una Vez Dije Que Te Amaba Y Que Por Ti La Vida Dava
Si Una Vez Dije Que Te Amaba No Lo Vuelvo Hacer)
Ese Error Es Cosa De Ayer
Verse 2:
Yo Se Que Un Dia Tu Volveras
Y Tu De Todo Te Arre Pentieras
Yo Me Puse Dispuesta A Tus Pies
Y Tan Solo Con Desprecio Me Has Pagado Pero Ahora Ve
(Repeat Chorus)
(Si Una Vez Dije Que Te Amaba Y Que Por Ti La Vida Dava
Si Una Vez Dije Que Te Amaba No Lo Vuelvo Hacer) repeat 1x
okay so basically its saying how she gave this man her love PLUS some and he didnt show her the same love, ALOS (in the same line) she says that if thats what he thinks love is then he must not know what it is,...shes so clever! then she's saying that she basically put herself at his feet and that being alone with comtempt is what she got for loving him... she goes on to talk about how if ever she told him she loved him, she was crazy and thats about the size of it... here it is on video for all of those who would like to hear it... Selena was/is a GREAT artist and if you have never experienced her blow...i think you should take the opportunity....
yeah...she can blow... yall thought j-lo was an embellishment???...dont get it twisted... i LOVE jenni... but Selena...whooooo! dont get me started... i cry EVERYTIME the movie ends...
so anywhoo... not everything in the song is an EXACT mach with my feelings... but mostly its how i feel...
okay, so its 2 in the morning and i DIDNOT feel like escribiendo en espanol. lo siento mis amores. ¡Espero que usted lo quiso!
te amo!
From the dome of B. Coles on Saturday, March 07, 2009 3 people left me some shugga!
You're not SUPERMAN you know..
From the dome of Soul*Star on Friday, March 06, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
About 95% of the nights I lie down and go to sleep, wake up knowing I had a wonderful dream about someone I hate. And MISS that feeling of that person's presence. Of that person's smell. Of that persons touch. Everything the dream bring forth. And I think about all the wonderful times. All the times we've laughed. All the times we've shared breath. All the times we've kissed. ALL the good time. But then, how it ended. How it ALL fell down. How it was ALL gone. How AFTER it was gone I was punched while I was down... That pain will NEVER EVER let my forgive that person.
But hey... I ask myself, WHY do you let this person get to you like this. And I daydream and class about why I do this. And it is because, I have never ever ever shared myself with someone like I did her. I have never been that happy. I have never worked so hard for anything like I worked to keep a smile on her face while sacrificing SOO much. I was SOO faithful. I was hers.I was OWNED, and she was mine... for a bit. (what drama)
Hmm. These song can kinda capture my feelings...
From the dome of Khyote on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
202s and HeartFake
202s and Heartfake... A Mixtape By Jasmin Walters
Want the album art? Click the pic!
Click the items to download them..
Track Listing:
1. Intro
2. Fall In Love With Me
3. No Refunds
4. Spring Break Interlude
5. Summer Girl
6. Since You've Been Away
7. Harmony Catastrophe
8. Nose Candy
9. My Story
10. This Is The Life
11. Lay Your Hands On Me
12. Heartbreaks Interlude
Bonus: Hey Tiffany
Sorry there were some uploading issues on a few... like.. Nose Candy but... they still works so.. lol...
Big ups J.Rocwell for the beats!!
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 4 people left me some shugga!
Okay, so Sunday night I found out that my ex of two years, indeed, was cheating on me... and he's still with the mistress...
i wana know who she is..but then again, I shouldnt really care. He's dirty for that shit... jus cuz i wouldnt give him some pune any longer... bcuz i was tryna be closer to my Lord and Savior, he turns around and gets it from elsewhere...
silly SOB... i knew it all along tho... all the nights he'd call me late, and get off the fone at the SAME time EVERY NIGHT!!? Silly fool, im not stupid...or am I... am i stupid for believing him when he said he was being true?
I was torn between tellin him off and just leting it sit..
I told him off... I told him how i was no dummy and how i knew, and how immature he was for steppin outside of the relationship. <<<- in short...
so he claims that his feelings for me changed b4 i decided not to have sex with him... that may be the case... but, when that happened, iight... he got that one... but still HE'S the one that was changin, not me
I guess when I got to college we jus grew apart... so what... we both knew it was gunna happen, we want totally different things for our lives....
but must he have stepped out side of the relationship? like do u know where i am? IM AT HOWARD!!!!!!!!!!! do u know how many... iight, thats not the point, the past is the past... i know that there is something to learn from this, but so far i only think that its to make me even more paranoid...
He has made me SOOOOOOO mad tho, like y does he still hold the power to royally pyss me off? I dont get it? like at this point in time, if i died, i wouldnt want him at my funeral... like... i dont wana HATE him or be SPITEFULL towards him... and i dont want my cousin goin bak to jail for whoppin his ass either... but right now... i feel ALL of the above... like i wana ride or die right now... i can rfeally inderstand bus the windows out yo car now... if he had a car... id be right there wit a bat...
Its time to ride or die... like... he has truely pyssed me off... i dont ever wana hear from him again... like.. i THOUGHT that he could be the one that i could have a friendship with... but i see that i was WRONG in thinking that...
I cant believe i waisted 2 years on his ass... well i dont really think it was a waiste... God puts ppl in ur life for a reason... im still tryna figure out y he put that fool in mine... i know i learned some crucial lessons, but im not ready to admit them to myself yet... oh well... i know this is really immature of me to say at this point in my 18 years and 9 months of living...but
I hope she gives him the clap..and some more stuff... and i hope it burns wen he pees... and i hope his balls fall off...
i know im wrong... like thats really wrong... i know... but right now...its how i feel... ill appologize for it next week....
yeah...i couldnt find the real video...all the embed thingys were disabled... sorry loves...
HAHA...he said im immature... cuz i said i was guna cut him up for txting "duces"
i dont care.... i told him that im GOOD with where im at for my age... and that he needs to get okay with him self... then attempt to come for me... which could never happen... PHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
From the dome of B. Coles on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 6 people left me some shugga!
jk this ones real.
Did you miss out on my last video blogs?
Here are some links!
Video Blog 1
Video Blog 2
Video Blog 3
From the dome of Anonymous on Monday, March 02, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
About a week or so after...
Yea, one more, like other mornings, I was on my way to skool. Still kinda hurting from my break up. But this was the morning after a snow, so I brought my camera to make a video of the parking lot of my skool. And so uh, I get to skool and shit waiting to see if it was open or not, and I was playing around in the frozen parking lot. When I got home, I piece together this video to reflect what was kinda on my mind. So yea. Check it.
Thanks for watching this ish.
From the dome of Khyote on Monday, March 02, 2009 4 people left me some shugga!
actually there's no explanation.
this video is A MESS.
and LAUGH at how BAD it is.
From the dome of Anonymous on Sunday, March 01, 2009 10 people left me some shugga!