
make me give you some sex educationnn

so pretty much i found this on some random message board and thought it was pretty funny and truthful. and i think the reason that booty calls so often turn into "we're hooking up but i think it's more.." type of deals is because people don't follow these rules. soooo... here they are, do with them as you will =]

ps. i have a lot of new articles/ random shit brewing in my head, so get psyched cause big things will be coming soon
;) (maybe even like..later tonight)

Rules of the Booty Call

Thou shalt not have intense eye contact during the act.
Thou shalt not call the other by a nickname. (ie: Baby, Baby girl, etc.)
Thou shalt not cuddle and want to talk to the entire night.
Thou shalt not kiss the other goodbye passionately in the morning.
Thou shalt only sleep over if it's really late.
Thou shalt not discuss the next encounter.
Thou shalt not question how many partners the other has/has had.
Thou shalt not engage in caressing/massaging AFTER the act.
Thou shalt engage in sexual acts no later than 20 minutes after the other person arrives.
Thou shalt not kiss the other's forehead and wish them a good night.
Thou shalt not take a romantic bath/shower together afterwards.
Thou shalt not spend the remainder of the night giggling and acting silly.

Thou shalt have a mutual understanding of the Booty Call and abide by all of its rules. If not, thou shalt be obliged to move on and find another Booty to call.

and as i always do, i'm gonna leave you with a related song:


it's so straight forward. i wanna hold you and fuck you giiirlllllll =]

2 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

LMAO I LOVE THESE BOOTY CALL RULES>. HILARIOUS!!! And can't wait for you to spill!

B. Coles said...

i love it!! lol those rules are too funny!!! i mean, ill never have to use but if i do find the need, ill def keep them in mind! lol