Well I can't speak for the rest of my writers... but I'M back.
Sorry for the delay. Honestly, there's no excuse... I've just been lazy.
I've had A LOT of ideas for blogs too... I just haven't typed them up.
And you can guess what happened after that...
Yup, I forgot them.
Anyway, there are five movies that if you haven't seen... I suggest you do. They aren't in any particular order... But I've seen three out of five and thought they were pretty much amazing. Directors and writers are doing a really good job of 'keepin' it real' nowadays. If you've seen any of these movies, you'd understand.
The first one I just saw yesterday...

Yes, I saw Obsessed. YOU KNOW you want to too... Just to see what its all about right? Well.. I didn't regret it. I've heard some people say they're disappointed or that Beyonce can't act but I didn't think any of the above. Cuz she acted like a true black woman (im not gonna give it away don't worry)...
But do YOU think Beyonce can act?
Next, my boyfriend and his friends saw last week...

Not many people know much about it. Nor is this the typical young adult/teen genre. But its hella good. And I can't wait to see it. Would you pay to see a movie outside of your favorite genre?
Next, I saw a minute ago...

Now this movie epitomizes what I said earlier... Directors and writers are keeping it real! I have never seen a scary movie more realistic.. It's kinda similar to Obsessed in a way cuz it's like... regular people fighting back.. you know?
Do you think the realistic-ness of it takes away the horror? I didn't.
Next, my boyfriend also saw a minute ago...

Personally I love Jim Carey.. Bruce Almighty is my shit. I'm afraid this movie gon be a lot similar to Liar Liar but... prolly still funny.I love when he does serious roles too but I mean we haven't seen him in a while. A lot of people think he's lost his pizazz and shouldn't even make a come back.. What do you think?
Last but def not least...

If you like scary movies you have GOT to see this shit man... I usually LAUGH in scary movies.. Like... Thirteen Ghosts is my favorite scary movie to laugh at.. and like... THIS movie actually had me jumpin... Lke, nighas was walkin' out the theatre cuz they couldn't handle it and shit lol. And just because its like the typical haunted house story doesn't mean it seems fake.... at all. I don't even have a question to ask y'all about this one.. Cuz it was just... BOMB.
To top this all of imma show you somethin else that's... BOMB
Well I can't speak for the rest of my writers... but I'M back.
Sorry for the delay. Honestly, there's no excuse... I've just been lazy.
I've had A LOT of ideas for blogs too... I just haven't typed them up.
And you can guess what happened after that...
Yup, I forgot them.
Anyway, there are five movies that if you haven't seen... I suggest you do. They aren't in any particular order... But I've seen three out of five and thought they were pretty much amazing. Directors and writers are doing a really good job of 'keepin' it real' nowadays. If you've seen any of these movies, you'd understand.
The first one I just saw yesterday...
Yes, I saw Obsessed. YOU KNOW you want to too... Just to see what its all about right? Well.. I didn't regret it. I've heard some people say they're disappointed or that Beyonce can't act but I didn't think any of the above. Cuz she acted like a true black woman (im not gonna give it away don't worry)...
But do YOU think Beyonce can act?
Next, my boyfriend and his friends saw last week...
Not many people know much about it. Nor is this the typical young adult/teen genre. But its hella good. And I can't wait to see it. Would you pay to see a movie outside of your favorite genre?
Next, I saw a minute ago...
Now this movie epitomizes what I said earlier... Directors and writers are keeping it real! I have never seen a scary movie more realistic.. It's kinda similar to Obsessed in a way cuz it's like... regular people fighting back.. you know?
Do you think the realistic-ness of it takes away the horror? I didn't.
Next, my boyfriend also saw a minute ago...
Personally I love Jim Carey.. Bruce Almighty is my shit. I'm afraid this movie gon be a lot similar to Liar Liar but... prolly still funny.I love when he does serious roles too but I mean we haven't seen him in a while. A lot of people think he's lost his pizazz and shouldn't even make a come back.. What do you think?
Last but def not least...
If you like scary movies you have GOT to see this shit man... I usually LAUGH in scary movies.. Like... Thirteen Ghosts is my favorite scary movie to laugh at.. and like... THIS movie actually had me jumpin... Lke, nighas was walkin' out the theatre cuz they couldn't handle it and shit lol. And just because its like the typical haunted house story doesn't mean it seems fake.... at all. I don't even have a question to ask y'all about this one.. Cuz it was just... BOMB.
To top this all of imma show you somethin else that's... BOMB
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