What if this planet is just another planets hell?
That was a quote I stumbled upon on stumbleupon.com and it really hit me like wowww..
The world really is a horrible place full of liars and deceivers and just.. bad ppl.
But then I thought about it.. it's like looking at the glass as half empty.
That quote is like the pessimistic view.
But what if this planet is actually another planets heaven?
What if there are worse places out there and coming here is a relief?
Just like how you can't wallow in your despair,
you have to realize that there are people worse off.
So lets take advantage of this earth.
Breathe this air,
If you have eyes, look around..
See the nature you have been blessed with.
Especially in this country.
You have been blessed with freedom and opportunity.
Just know that some other planet, some other country, some other person..
may not have it as good as you.

0 people left me some shugga!:
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