All Penises are NOT created Equal.
B.Coles is gonna LOVE this pahaha.
Unaware of the meaning of vagina/penis power?
Learn about the birds and the bees in this video.
Vagina - The Dance
Click Here.
Big Ups to Sade Garvey for her obsession with vaginas.
From the dome of Anonymous on Friday, May 29, 2009 0 people left me some shugga!
whats wrong with this picture?
From the dome of Anonymous on Friday, May 29, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
Cheat on Your Wife
Search Married Personals for Women Looking to Cheat Also. Join Free!
Darn... and he was just about to make a clean getaway LMAO!
From the dome of Anonymous on Friday, May 29, 2009 0 people left me some shugga!
Pics from the audition...
these guys may look crazy but they were amazing on the dance floor
dancin derrick
he continuosly doesn't make it.. but keeps coming back lmao
hey thats me and my crew!
thats my buddy Kimar.. i hope he got really far... he's mad flexible
the guy on the right was in the top 32 last season and came back to try again... he took maddd contemporary and modern classes to become a better dancer and in the audition they tested him... and made him not only do hip hop but salsa and contemporary as well...
she was really good too.. shes also a gymnast.. they came all the way from new york... see me in the background?
it was early... don't judge us lol
yeah.. that's a good shot
thats Jewel... we became good friends in this process... i really hope i find her
theres the host lady Cat... she was sooo think it was scary
theres michelle again (L)
see the shorrt shorrrt black kid in the back? thats my friend Manny he's from new york too. he was an AMAZING break dancer and we sat next to each other the whole time with kimar lookin at cute girls and crackin on bad dancers.. thanks for a great time fellas...
From the dome of Anonymous on Friday, May 29, 2009 0 people left me some shugga!
u fuckin up
Okay lets joan lol...i mean... tell me why my sister had to show me a video of this nigga Spectacular (Pretty Ricky). Talk about fuckin up your image. Don't they have publicist or managers to tell them "this might not be a good look". Now people, I'm usually an advocate for the removal of no homo but in this case you gotta attach a NO HOMO after this one. So much for light skinned niggas coming back in style. lol
^^yea, u fuckin up bruh
In the words of the great Riley Freeman...
From the dome of Kenny F on Thursday, May 28, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
Let's talk about SEX, babyy
I have a question.
How important is SEX in a relationship?
Is it just a plus?
If you were really attracted to somebody's personality & swag, and they were doing EVERYTHING right except for getting it in..would you still be interested?
Would you ever be able to get serious with a virgin?
I wanna hear from everybodyyyy.
k cool.
&& while your typing up your thoughtful answer, listen to this..cause i know after the title you we're singing it in your head anyways :P
LOVE, mellow yellow.
From the dome of mellow yellow. on Thursday, May 28, 2009 3 people left me some shugga!
so, i thought i could dance.
Let me be the first to unveil to you the trickery and foolishness of these reality dance shows.
As you can see, I didn't make it.
Some of y'all know me. Some of y'all don't. But a lot of y'all know I can dance.
I definitely could have gotten a call back.
I had the potential compared to my competition.
But I went at the wrong time, like too late in the process.
With So You Think You Can Dance, here is how it works...
You stand in line for hours until the doors open. In my case, in the cold. Meanwhile, camera men and producers are yelling at you, "Energy" and "Okay when the cameras come by jump up and down". They even had us do the wave.
Yeah. The wave.
Then the line starts moving.. once you get inside and through security you turn in your release form and get a sticker with a number on it. They cram everyone into a room and give you a speech.
It was the typical, 'do your best and don't let nerves get to you' with a lil bit of 'remember this is a performance not you dancing in your bedroom by yourself' on the side... They also let you know that you won't be doing your solo for the judges but instead free styling in front of the producer to a song of his choice. and BOY was the producer an asshole lol.
They couldnt' fit everyone in the room so they asked for anyone not in a chair to step out and then people were in and out from there.. You had to classify yourself into a genre so you could be put in a group of ten... and then each group of ten would go up dance 360 style (tag your man anybody?)...
The thing about it is, they were looking for tv...
They wanted you to look at them and entertain them like you were their personal jestures. They wanted people to suck... they moved those people forward.. or they wanted them to stand out...
In the contemporary category, really really really good people got cut. it was so sad.
And in the hip hop category almost everyone got cut except for break dancers and white girls that sucked.
What really angered me is that the producer just didn't know what hip hop was. He was yelling at the contestants asking them if they knew... If you didn't pop and lock, he didn't consider it hip hop. No crumping, nothing big, nothing wild, or you get cut.
I should have tapped cuz there were only like 6 tappers and I had a better chance lmao.
Point is:
That show is for entertainment.
And yes, I love to entertain.
But I don't want to have to conform in order to do that.
Know who you are, and know that it is enough =]
From the dome of Anonymous on Thursday, May 28, 2009 3 people left me some shugga!
I don't know why I had to read this like four times before I was like, "yea I get it" lol. Out the mouth of Tupac Shakur, dont dwell on the past. I fuck with this joint hard. "Just let the past be, and Be" [copywritten quote by I]. But I notice that I do catch myself saying what if, and if I could have just done this different, so I could learn from this quote. And as a people we need to be more solution oriented, what has happened, happened.
From the dome of Kenny F on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
Re: "Recycle your relationships, go green and stop wasting your energy"
Okay y'all, I'm not just trying to play devils advocate here, but there were a lot of generalizations and misconceptions in the original entry (by B. Coles) that I feel on behalf of the 'fellas' i must clear up and make sense of. So I'll quickly cover the aforementioned quotes...
1. "A lot of times women find out they've had game run on them, nine times out of ten, they aren't going to do anything about it, and men know this...the men who do run game, run game because they don't care whether or not they loose you."
- okay there's some truth to this but before i go on lemme just make one thing clear...ladies, no matter how you look at it, men are gonna be attracted to females other than yourself. Now, if he acts on those emotions, its a different story. I feel certain girls get "game" run on that ass because they don't do enough in the relationship to let a dude know that she cares that much. So I don't think its a case of we don't care about losing you, it's more we don't think you care.
2. "A man will change his woman b4 he changes his ways"- Come on, Don't y'all watch Maury, lol. But on a serious tip, I don't fully agree with this. I feel if you know your guy cheats, but your his main joint, then you can change him cause he wouldn't want to leave you. I don't know how to better explain it but if you watch Baby Boy you know what I'm talking bout.
3. "the only reason a man is going to stop cheating, is when he finds a woman that wont let him cheat."
- To me this contradicts with number three. Us men are always gonna be the bad guy but sometimes girls need to look at themselves to see what they doing wrong.
4. "Do whatever you want ur woman to do. If you want your woman to cheat, keep on cheating."
- well I cant really refute this, its the golden rule.
However this doesn't go for every man. So the whole "all men are dogs" thing needs to stop. Believe it or not, there are some guys who don't cheat and are loyal and what not...
but you know what say about good guys...
From the dome of Kenny F on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
Must Sees.
From the dome of Anonymous on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
Not a businessman. I'm a business, man.
So I stumbled upon this cool site that has 100 (really) creative business cards. I know, it doesn't sound that interesting. But some of this joints were HAWT!! So I chose my favorites to share with you!!
Click here to see more!
From the dome of Anonymous on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1 people left me some shugga!
"Recycle your relationships, go green and stop wasting your energy"
So i was at this grown folks talk about sex and relationships thingy and it was really good! Here are some of the best quotes of the night... and of course my thoughts on them.
1. "A lot of times women find out they've had game run on them, nine times out of ten, they arent going to do anything about it, and men know this...the men who do run game, run game bcuz they dont care whether or not they loose you."
-iight, so there are two sides to this...
1... this guy was exactly right!...and thats about it.. i think he hit the nail right on the head
2...hows a girl sposed to kno wen shes had game run on her? and whats she sposed to do?
1st of all, a lot of times females kno that their guy is being less than sincere, but we jus choose not to listen to our intuition, hoping that we're over reacting and being paranoid. and 2nd of all, if she really does find out, the hard way, that shes had the game run on that ass, she does something like, whop that ass! jkjk, i feel like she could threaten to leave, or actually leave until he falls on bended knee and begs her to return...
2. "A man will change his woman b4 he changes his ways."
-aint that the truth! this jus goes to show that men are not easily if u dont wana loose ur man, dont try to change him.
3. "the only reason a man is going to stop cheating, is when he finds a woman that wont let him cheat."
-self explanitory
and this one is for the dudes
4. "Do whatever you want ur woman to do. If you want your woman to cheat, keep on cheating."
so yeah, let me kno what yall think about these.
From the dome of B. Coles on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
Question of the Day.
Y'all tell me!
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 3 people left me some shugga!
Bossip-Ers speak again..
What in the hell is going on in the Motherland?!? Smh.
-Bossip Staff
Are you sure that's Nigeria? Looks like Selma Mississippi to me!
..Somebody needs to sacrifice her ugly old ass for doing this to a child. Lord save us ALL!
-Ms Too Cool
I agree with MS. TOO COOL. Why would you post something like this on the website? I am so irrate at the fact that you believe that this stupid, obviously mental lady is the portrayal of what Africa is today. Saying shit like, “What in the hell is going on in the motherland?!” as if this is what is common across the land.
You people should be ashamed of yourself. As ignorant as your white counterparts. Instead of you to report positive things about the continent (I bet a some of you still think Africa is a country) where (presumably) your ancestors come from, you have to hate! How stupid to hate own your own race! I guess you are like your white counter parts thinking that Africa is like what you see in National Geographics.
All I can say is that ignorance is bliss! When black people here are shooting their own families, starting up gangs that target people of their own race, brothers leaving sisters when they find out that they are pregnant, living it up on governmental assistance, I don’t think people here should be talking. Let’s not forget that the people who planned on bombing the Jewish churches in New York recently were AFRICAN AMERICANS. And what about those two black men who were shooting people in the northeast a couple of years back. The question should be, “What the hell is going on here?!!!”
I have frequented this website, not expecting much from your writers because all you do is stir up trouble with informations that are mostly false than true! This is a new LOW for you bossip! A new low!!!!!!
-John D. Hater
Why did someone even photograph it?
ugghh my stomach.
Wanna see for yourself? Click Here
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 2 people left me some shugga!
Mike Tyson: Convicted Rapist Speaks
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 0 people left me some shugga!
If I was your best friend..
Hey yall,
The topic today issssss OPPOSITE-SEX BEST FRIENDS….and when they become more :P
YUP!You’ve heard it all friends turned lovers. Cute stuff, right? Yessir. But what you hear more often is friends, turned lovers, turned…nothing. When the relationship goes array shit just…stops. And nobody wants that. Like, at all. How often do you hear people claiming that they don’t wanna get into a relationship with somebody because they don’t want it to ruin the friendship that they already have?
But, what if the relationship that you have with your best friend is more like a bf/gf relationship then anything else? Like, texting/calling eachother 24/7...he pays for almost talk about everything( ..except talking to people of the opposite sex)
Ima be a loser right now and make a quick reference to DEGRASSI. There were these two characters Marco and Ellie who were like best best friends..completely obessed with eachother & all that ish. They eventually lived together, and were pretty much dating. (Side note: he was gay…but whatevs lol) ANYWAYS, one day they hook up and then its like…OH SHIT! WHATS GOING ON HERE? (and yes…DRAKE/aubrey graham starred in degrassi too..yeah, I grew up on him..)
But anyways, what do you do when that happens? What if the way you just interact with somebody is NOT what the title entails? That’s like calling somebody your best friend when you never want to hang out with them..or calling somebody your enemy when you guys get along just fine. It just doesn’t work, right?
Well, in my mind there are a few ways to handle this situation:
Why not take the next step? If its obvious that you have feelings for eachother, then why not take the risk and become official? The pros with this is basically something amazing love-wise could come from a relationship that originiates from a really solid friendship , especially best friends. The cons? Well if anything goes sour with the relationship and it ends on a bad note, theres a huge chance that the best-friendship you had before will be ruined, and you will be faced with question…was it all worth it?
If your not interested in actually forming a romantic relationship with them, your main option is to just leave it alone. Back off from the “more than best friends” behavior a little to ensure that your relationship with that person doesn’t cock-block you from talking to other people…and let them know.
Just ride it out. If your actions say that you guys are in a relationship, but your words and the title haven’t gotten there yet…just ride it out. Good things come with time, and it will only be a matter of time until both of you realize what is it, or what it isn’t. Pros of this? You don’t rush into anything that you aren’t ready for. Cons? It may never reach the point of a relationship, and it may never sizzle down to a healthy best-friendship. Womp.
...i heard this song on the radio while i was writing this article. HOW EFFIN PERFECT IS THAT YALL?? but yeah, just might not be your style of music but it's a real cute song.
& of course, 50. "You say he's just a friend, but girl lets not pretend..either he is, or he ain't ya man.."
From the dome of mellow yellow. on Monday, May 25, 2009 3 people left me some shugga!
the world may never know...
how many holes in a polo?
yea, im the lone motherfucker (no spell check needed lol) who said five. I mean what are we talking about here when we say polo... shirt type, brand, sport? This is a terrible question with horrid answer choices (no offense, its been low-key bothering me all day).
Well ladies and gents introducing the polo...oops, not that polo.
sorry bout we go
the classic polo shirt brought to by Ralphy himself.
(1)- neck
(2)- arms
(2)- buttons
A total of 6 people
6 holes in a polo!!!
however there is no selection for six
so i chose the most logical answer. lol
source: "I know a lil something about holes."
"bored. lol"
From the dome of Kenny F on Monday, May 25, 2009 3 people left me some shugga!