Lemme start off and say I'm a little frustrated. I don't even know why I wrote that I'm Sorry blog cuz I didn't get an apology. I just knew one would be coming if I even explained how I felt. And I'm sick of hearing I'm sorry for the same thing. Over. and. Over. and. Over. and. Over.

Okay so yesterday I smoked. I hadn't smoked in a really long time after deciding to quit. Why did I smoke? I smoked because I had a headache, I was frustrated and I smoked because I didn't want to be where I was anymore and smoking takes me away.
First let me explain to you why I quit. My mother smokes marijuana 3 or more times a day and I have a younger sister who is five years old. I don't think it is right of my mother to smoke around my sister and although my sister is currently oblivious to it all, I know she will eventually have vague memories of my mothers activities. I just don't want my sister being exposed to something like marijuana so young.
I thought I was being a hypocrit by smoking every day. I was becoming the pothead that I hated in my mother. How can I ask my mother to stop and I am continuing the activity myself?? Shoot, I was the one who got my mother to quit smoking cigarettes years back. I'm supposed to be a role model for my sister.
But then I thought about it like this, I'm nineteen. I'm in college. My sister isn't around to witness my activity. The difference between my mother and I is age and location. My mother is 43 years old and she lives with my sister. It is more wrong of her to smoke than it is for me. How many 43 year olds do you know smoking weed? I bet you know more 19 year olds doing it.
I'm not saying I am completely justified in my activity, I am just saying whether or not I smoke, my mother is wrong. And me smoking or me not smoking is not going to change that.
Plus what they don't know won't hurt 'em. Lol.
Okay so yesterday I smoked. I hadn't smoked in a really long time after deciding to quit. Why did I smoke? I smoked because I had a headache, I was frustrated and I smoked because I didn't want to be where I was anymore and smoking takes me away.
First let me explain to you why I quit. My mother smokes marijuana 3 or more times a day and I have a younger sister who is five years old. I don't think it is right of my mother to smoke around my sister and although my sister is currently oblivious to it all, I know she will eventually have vague memories of my mothers activities. I just don't want my sister being exposed to something like marijuana so young.
I thought I was being a hypocrit by smoking every day. I was becoming the pothead that I hated in my mother. How can I ask my mother to stop and I am continuing the activity myself?? Shoot, I was the one who got my mother to quit smoking cigarettes years back. I'm supposed to be a role model for my sister.
But then I thought about it like this, I'm nineteen. I'm in college. My sister isn't around to witness my activity. The difference between my mother and I is age and location. My mother is 43 years old and she lives with my sister. It is more wrong of her to smoke than it is for me. How many 43 year olds do you know smoking weed? I bet you know more 19 year olds doing it.
I'm not saying I am completely justified in my activity, I am just saying whether or not I smoke, my mother is wrong. And me smoking or me not smoking is not going to change that.
Plus what they don't know won't hurt 'em. Lol.
1 people left me some shugga!:
yeah...i already told u my opinion about that... but yeesh... 43 eh? lol thas a effin trip..
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