
Rihanna and Drake?

So apparently Rihanna and Drake were caught with their tongues down each others throat all night at this bowling alley called Lucky Strike Lanes and Lounge.. Rihanna had a few things to drink. I found this out on a site called But the funniest part about this is what people had to say about it!

Bored said

Who wants to mess with an psychotic kling on like riri? I guess an up in coming rapper who wants to get street cred for banging ole psycho.

Rihanna has been labeled, like it or not. She is known as the B, W, S, that will ruin a career in 0.0 seconds. That’s her new claim to fame.

I do still believe she is in touch with Chris, but the label is making her do this, the chick who has taken over her own career. She is a puppet

on a string still!!

Just Sayin said

Yawn……………. I thought yall already established the fact dat she been givin out samples. Dem niccas bedda be strapped up!

11:11 said

I hope she’s not one of those “I am nothing when I;m not in a relationship” kind of people” talk about co-dependent hollywierd… people need to let their bed sheet cool down, then start a new relationship or at least use some time to change the sheets

Just Sayin said

You know how day do. Day don't even change the sheets.

Lady Angel said

He and Rihanna look like brother and sister.

Fee said

is it me.. or is Rihanna turnin a lil fluezy?

NYC girl said

He's funny lookin'. All the light skin in the world is not gon make him cute.

Damn y'all they played the mess out of Drake and Rihanna lol.

1 people left me some shugga!:

Cassie said...

lmao!! i don't know how i feel about them being coupled up...i mean they would look cute as an item, but thats just random

and the comments on bossip have me rollin' lol...that's a daily must-visit site