
Jazzo you aint the only one blown,

So yesterday my car got towed for the 3rd time.How can I be soooo dumb to let my car get towed 3 1/2 times(Lol i know 1/2). And now I gotta pay like 300 dollars to get it out.Niggaz is blown. But As I am big on relgion the bible says:

"All things work together for good for those who serve the Lord".

But thats a story for another day. What Im hear to say is many times in my life I have come to need help, and by the grace of God I alwayz get it. Like this time with someone throwin a lil cash my way (People other than family). Everyone always says at the end of the day its only you all the time. And to some point that is true, but for me not completly. I seem to be able to count my friends and they dont let me down and vice versa. And I say that to say, it's about the company u keep, and if you keep good company they will not let you down, and I am blessed with many people like this. What about you?

On a brighter not peep what seen on the tube. I thought i was hilarious:

11 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

I can battle about religion for days... if you're up for the challenge lol

BlackStar said...

Don't do it to your self jazz.

Anonymous said...

nah don't do it to -ya- self cuz you goin walk out of the conversation an atheist

BlackStar said...

Please, the day you show me a man who can heal the sick without antibodies. Make the blind see, raise the dead. Shoot he even raised from the dead. There's nothing u could tell me to deter me. So lets do this sweetie. Let me make you a beilever again.

Anonymous said...

wait? so are you saying youactually witnessed those things happen? or did you just hop on the religious band wagon? don't you know that if you're family had been any other religion you would have believed their folk tales too? religion was created to give false hope and motivate people to do good, it keeps human in control. it is an everlasting cycle of the placement and removal of guilt. you'll be free when you realize you don't hae to feel guilty.

Anonymous said...

"JazzyBooBoo" you speak the truth.

BlackStar said...

Ohhh ye of little faith, So what I have to beileve in God is called Testimony. Times when no one in this world can help me, but I pray with my whole heart to to God. And truly it does happen. I don't beileve for no reason Jazz, I beileve cause he has proven to me in more cases than one that he exist and he is Lord. If you let him in maybe he'll show you too.

Kenny F said...

damn yo, both yall got some good points, and i consider myself more spiritual than religous, but i must say there is too much unexplainable in this world for their not to be some higher power. Now my question to Jasmin is, "what do u believe in?".

Anonymous said...

what i call that is.. coincidence.. the way of the world... or luck... i believe in shit happening... thats what i believe in.. i believe in myself... i believe in forces... forces of nature.. but i wont give that force a name... or characterize it as a human being or anything like that

BlackStar said...

And thats difference between you and I, I dont beleive in luck or coinsidence, I believe in divine appointment.

Kenny F said...

the way I see it, man is deeper than skin and bones. now if that deepness be the soul, (which i do believe) lies in the eyes of the beholder. Its just what makes us different than the rest of nature. but i do agree, i don't picture the "force" in a human form, but mainly because humans have flaws. so yea, shit does happen, but there has to be reason it happens ever so often nd precisely, dont u think?