
Let me re-iterate

I think I need to explain... again... who this blog is for...

First and foremost, this blog is for me... I feel productive when I'm like.. doing something for myself you know? And although I don't put all my personal shit on here, it is a way for me to vent.

Second, this blog is for my friends... Let me repeat. This blog is for my friends.

There seems to be a sudden increase of readers that are haters.
My blog is not for you all.

If you read my blog, and discuss it outside of my vecinity or outside of a article comment, [in a negative way] you are a hater.

If you are mad about something I have written, but didn't approach me, or a comment about it and would rather discuss it outside of my vecinity... you are a hater.

If you don't even know me.. but judge me and don't like me because of things I've written.. but haven't approached me [if you live in Mass] or written a comment/e-mail about it.. you are a hater.

And you are especially a hater if you don't even read my blog and have something negative to say about it.

Thirdly, my blog is for international strangers to entertain themselves lol.

It's so funny how word gets back to you.. Like the motto above me says.. Let the truth set you free or it will set itself free. I will find out.

I mean I don't care but it's just funny how people are so quick to run their mouths and play tattle tale to other people... and it's funny how people are so quick to believe things that they hear... and it's funny how those type of assumptions can ruin friendships... Ain't it funny? People acting like the BC Marching Band Dance Team... Pahaha.

And to my friends, I love y'all. You know who you are. And if you read that, and you aren't sure if it applied to you... it probably didn't.

Yes B.Coles, it applied to you.... paranoid ass.

8 people left me some shugga!:

S-Diggy said...


Anonymous said...

lol I love you..

B. Coles said...

i know that applied to me! lol but thanx for the shout out!
And yo...EFF THEM HATERS if they wana give you SUPASTAR STATUS... let em do u the favor... lol

Internet Goon said...

Your haters won...They got u to talk about them on the blog...even if u didnt mention their names...leave the haters alone...show them no love...they love you on the low...

Anonymous said...

my blog isn't for the haters but this entry was.. thx tho iGoon

Anonymous said...

get 'em girl!
dont let me have to pull out mr shanky on em ;-)

Anonymous said...

Jazz, this is a blog ur supposed to have haters... so i dont understand whats the problem, dont you want everyones opnion. I kno i a being critical but u know how i am

Anonymous said...

thats why i said i want them to say what they have to say in a comment *BlackStar*