Before we get this one going I just want to tell you guys..
Kanye West got arrested this morning... Damn
For assault, in England
Paparazzi need to chill out. Gettin my man Kan in trouble.
OH and look at this video...
This could be a hit or miss..

I'm having trouble figuring out when guys mean what they say and when they don't.
Can you guys help me out? Honestly. Like I'm not naive but it might seem that way but just take a look at these situations... Some real... Some arent.
"Here we go yo, Here we go yo, so what, so so whats the scenario!"
A guy and a girl once were 'talkin''. We know what talkin' is. Not an official relationship but like exclusively messing, talking, and claiming eachother. Eventually the relationship falls off. But every now and then he hits her up like "i miss you" or "i would like to see you sometimes, when you get a chance".
Is this code for 'i would like to have sex with you again' or does he genuinely mean he misses her presence in his life? Does he want to start something back up with her?
A guy and a girl HIT IT OFF from the moment they meet. Like, in a surreal way. They both have a desire to know more about each other and could see themselves in an actual relationship with each other. Things were going good until he continued to express his feelings, falling too fast within a matter of days. She expressed that she felt he was 'doing too much' and he calmed down verbally but his actions still portrayed a certain clingy-ness that was getting rather annoying.
Does this mean she doesn't actually like him and the initial feelings were temporary?
When he goes off on rants about how much he likes her does he mean it? Or is this a set-up for the future?
A guy has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for a year or two. He has a female friend in which he is very good friends with, they can talk to each other about anything. Sometimes when they are talking to each other about relationships, he uses his female friend as the example, as his wife, etc. And they had discussed how a girl would know when he likes them, and the way he shows it, and the female friend feels as if he may like her. He is also a huge flirt. When he had to demonstrate something rather provocative on his female friend, he later whispered 'sorry i had to do that to you' FEMALE FRIEND: it's ok 'oh you liked it? i liked it too'
The girlfriend doesn't feel threatened by this female but the female friend feels as if she should.
Should she feel threatened? Or is his flirtation innocent?
Here are some He says, He means things I found online.
Let me know if you agree with them.

1."I think we should see other people" means "I'm interested in someone else, I just don't want to be deceitful"
2."I'd love to be more intimate with you I just don't want it to ruin our relationship" means "I just don't want to sleep with you but you're fun to hang out with so I'ma let you down gently"
3."Call me when you get back. I want to make sure you get in safe" means "I want to make sure you ain't bring nobody home"
4."I don't like to cuddle" means "I like having sex with you but I'm not emotionally attached to you"
5."Give me a call sometime" means "I'm not gonna chase you, you aren't good enough for that but you can chase me if you want"
6."I'm so unhappy. I wish [Girlfriend's Name Here] was more like you" means "I want to sleep with you and this way, you won't feel bad about it"
That's it. And you if you guys ever have anything juicy you want me to talk about or a juicy question you wanna know about but are afraid to ask... shoot me an e-mail... and i'll post it.. anonymously of course. And that's a zero-eight.
A Little Funny 4 You:
You are so fat the scale says 'one at a time please.. one at a time' or 'to be continued' LOL...
Ok it's not that funny.. I know..
But this is pretty good...

Kanye West got arrested this morning... Damn
For assault, in England
Paparazzi need to chill out. Gettin my man Kan in trouble.
OH and look at this video...
This could be a hit or miss..
I'm having trouble figuring out when guys mean what they say and when they don't.
Can you guys help me out? Honestly. Like I'm not naive but it might seem that way but just take a look at these situations... Some real... Some arent.
"Here we go yo, Here we go yo, so what, so so whats the scenario!"
A guy and a girl once were 'talkin''. We know what talkin' is. Not an official relationship but like exclusively messing, talking, and claiming eachother. Eventually the relationship falls off. But every now and then he hits her up like "i miss you" or "i would like to see you sometimes, when you get a chance".
Is this code for 'i would like to have sex with you again' or does he genuinely mean he misses her presence in his life? Does he want to start something back up with her?
A guy and a girl HIT IT OFF from the moment they meet. Like, in a surreal way. They both have a desire to know more about each other and could see themselves in an actual relationship with each other. Things were going good until he continued to express his feelings, falling too fast within a matter of days. She expressed that she felt he was 'doing too much' and he calmed down verbally but his actions still portrayed a certain clingy-ness that was getting rather annoying.
Does this mean she doesn't actually like him and the initial feelings were temporary?
When he goes off on rants about how much he likes her does he mean it? Or is this a set-up for the future?
A guy has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for a year or two. He has a female friend in which he is very good friends with, they can talk to each other about anything. Sometimes when they are talking to each other about relationships, he uses his female friend as the example, as his wife, etc. And they had discussed how a girl would know when he likes them, and the way he shows it, and the female friend feels as if he may like her. He is also a huge flirt. When he had to demonstrate something rather provocative on his female friend, he later whispered 'sorry i had to do that to you' FEMALE FRIEND: it's ok 'oh you liked it? i liked it too'
The girlfriend doesn't feel threatened by this female but the female friend feels as if she should.
Should she feel threatened? Or is his flirtation innocent?
Here are some He says, He means things I found online.
Let me know if you agree with them.
1."I think we should see other people" means "I'm interested in someone else, I just don't want to be deceitful"
2."I'd love to be more intimate with you I just don't want it to ruin our relationship" means "I just don't want to sleep with you but you're fun to hang out with so I'ma let you down gently"
3."Call me when you get back. I want to make sure you get in safe" means "I want to make sure you ain't bring nobody home"
4."I don't like to cuddle" means "I like having sex with you but I'm not emotionally attached to you"
5."Give me a call sometime" means "I'm not gonna chase you, you aren't good enough for that but you can chase me if you want"
6."I'm so unhappy. I wish [Girlfriend's Name Here] was more like you" means "I want to sleep with you and this way, you won't feel bad about it"
That's it. And you if you guys ever have anything juicy you want me to talk about or a juicy question you wanna know about but are afraid to ask... shoot me an e-mail... and i'll post it.. anonymously of course. And that's a zero-eight.
A Little Funny 4 You:
You are so fat the scale says 'one at a time please.. one at a time' or 'to be continued' LOL...
Ok it's not that funny.. I know..
But this is pretty good...
1 people left me some shugga!:
dang...leme halla at that dramatel jaunt! lol that reminds me of a chapelle show sketch...
S1-that useually means..."i would like to have sex with you, when u get a chance"
S2-no this doesnt mean u...i mean she doesnt like just means that she feels smothered, or isnt used to guys acting in such a way...well atleast not so soon. if he's that pretty sure that he means what he says in the eledged "rant"... plus, if its really a "rant"...those cant really...or ill say, are not usually planned or used to convey lies bcuz they're random and spaztic.
S3-hmmm this is kinda tuff... lol...but with that last example i think the gf should feel they know how it feels, and they sposedly "like it" and what do u do when u like something? Find more where that came from right? hmmmm...okay
HAHA...that picture is funny. hehehehehe..thats one way to boost confidence levels (if they're extreeeeeemly low!)
wow...y the eff...lips......o ok
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