My man iGoon wrote an article so controversial I had to respond in blog form.. Damn Cardo, it's gonna be a blog war.

To Ricardo: You tryina get ya jaw rocked out here.
All I know is, this better not be in response to my He says, He means [didn't read it? click it, please] article. It really better not be cuz I'm tired of the personal attacks quite frankly.
Now if it inspired you, that's a different story... But lemme comment on this one Jazzo style.. iigh here goes..
-I need a man with a job.
You right, there are a lot of gold diggers out there but I mean sometimes it's not even wanting a RICH guy it's also because WE don't want a guy DEPENDENT on us.. just as much as Y'ALL wouldn't want a woman dependent on YOU. Am I right? I know personally, my goal is to have all my debts and shit taken care of, and be able to support myself before I go combining income with a man who gives me a ring.
-He's only trying to fuck.
This one is true. To fuck is the ultimate goal. Even for girls, I don't know why girls bs... But the truth of the matter is guys are trying to fuck and girls... are trying to find the right guy to fuck lol. And a guy to fuck forever cuz girls are suckas.
I disagree with the 'if he's trying to just fuck then you gave him a reason to do so' cuz I have witnessed it like.. some guys, that's just what they want and it has nothin to do wit how shawty is carryin herself. But I agree.. the hoes need to shut up and get theirs..
-I can't find a good guy.
Now, for me, I don't say this. Because honestly, I have found plenty of good guys. And I just can't handle it. I can't handle a perfect relationship, I get bored. Just like I need a chase, I don't want the guy to hand me his heart on a platter from the jump.. Some ppl might call that a good guy but if that's a good guy, then I don't want him. In terms of cheating and ish like that, if dude wants shawty bad enough or is into her enough, he'll be faithful. Girls gotta realize there's a reason he's goin out gettin' it somewhere else. Girls gotta give guys a REASON to stay, you know? And vice versa. And if he does cheat, obviously he was missing something in the relationship where he had to look elsewhere and that's a RED FLAG that he's not the RIGHT guy.. not necessarily a BAD guy, just not the RIGHT guy.
-I heard his sex game was weak.
To me this is something that the bitter women say. The women that got played by some dude. Or the women that he only wanted to fvck. The woman that couldn't get him. And I agree some days you got more energy, some you have less lol AND sex isn't the same wit everybody, you know? THEIR sex game could be weak when together.
-Men are dogs.
Men and women are both capable of being dogs. And I feel like we all either have been dogs in the past, are dogs now, or will be a dog in the future. So when you're lookin for that significant other, make sure it's passed their dog phase lol.
Whew I coulda wrote my own entry. Maybe I will..
To Ricardo: You tryina get ya jaw rocked out here.
All I know is, this better not be in response to my He says, He means [didn't read it? click it, please] article. It really better not be cuz I'm tired of the personal attacks quite frankly.
Now if it inspired you, that's a different story... But lemme comment on this one Jazzo style.. iigh here goes..
-I need a man with a job.
You right, there are a lot of gold diggers out there but I mean sometimes it's not even wanting a RICH guy it's also because WE don't want a guy DEPENDENT on us.. just as much as Y'ALL wouldn't want a woman dependent on YOU. Am I right? I know personally, my goal is to have all my debts and shit taken care of, and be able to support myself before I go combining income with a man who gives me a ring.
-He's only trying to fuck.
This one is true. To fuck is the ultimate goal. Even for girls, I don't know why girls bs... But the truth of the matter is guys are trying to fuck and girls... are trying to find the right guy to fuck lol. And a guy to fuck forever cuz girls are suckas.
I disagree with the 'if he's trying to just fuck then you gave him a reason to do so' cuz I have witnessed it like.. some guys, that's just what they want and it has nothin to do wit how shawty is carryin herself. But I agree.. the hoes need to shut up and get theirs..
-I can't find a good guy.
Now, for me, I don't say this. Because honestly, I have found plenty of good guys. And I just can't handle it. I can't handle a perfect relationship, I get bored. Just like I need a chase, I don't want the guy to hand me his heart on a platter from the jump.. Some ppl might call that a good guy but if that's a good guy, then I don't want him. In terms of cheating and ish like that, if dude wants shawty bad enough or is into her enough, he'll be faithful. Girls gotta realize there's a reason he's goin out gettin' it somewhere else. Girls gotta give guys a REASON to stay, you know? And vice versa. And if he does cheat, obviously he was missing something in the relationship where he had to look elsewhere and that's a RED FLAG that he's not the RIGHT guy.. not necessarily a BAD guy, just not the RIGHT guy.
-I heard his sex game was weak.
To me this is something that the bitter women say. The women that got played by some dude. Or the women that he only wanted to fvck. The woman that couldn't get him. And I agree some days you got more energy, some you have less lol AND sex isn't the same wit everybody, you know? THEIR sex game could be weak when together.
-Men are dogs.
Men and women are both capable of being dogs. And I feel like we all either have been dogs in the past, are dogs now, or will be a dog in the future. So when you're lookin for that significant other, make sure it's passed their dog phase lol.
Whew I coulda wrote my own entry. Maybe I will..
3 people left me some shugga!:
so...y did the post change in the middle of my attempt to read it?
idk but anywhoo...yeah i agree
1. let me say that you're getting love on my man realestate likes ur site a lot...
2. Not a personal attack at all...But it is an attack against all women, ur a woman, so i guess thats an attack
3. There are more cases in which women are dependent on men...I don't have stats nor do I care for them but thats how society is
4. If I approach a girl with intentions to fuck then I know that my own game is on point or shawty rock has gave me reason to approach her in that way
5. A good guy is something that takes time...It doesnt take love at first sight to realize a good can take years...But you would never know because you never gave Webster any love for writing that poem but showed Regis love because he shouted you out at the game...
6. I won't comment on cheating
7. Yes it's true that we're all dogs but in society today, men are thought of as the only dogs out there...females are quick to jump at a cheating bf before checking their own girl...ive seen that happen...
At the end of the day...Everyone will find their own boo/special someone and everything will be great...
Blog war: Let's get a topic going and I will rock you!! I will rock you like you've never been rocked before...This is my challenge to you...Pick a time, pick a place...iGOON HAS SPOKEN!!!
"Not a personal attack at all...But it is an attack against all women, ur a woman, so i guess thats an attack"
LOL!!! ricky's an idiot!!
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