i just think this is wild...
and not only do they have a Chia Pet but there was a wax figure made of him in the infamous Madame Toussads wax musuem BEFORE inaugaration..
they got hilary and JFK too...
[it didn't play sound for me]
don't get me wrong he looks great all waxed up..
but does anyone think the chia pet was just... too much
i mean homer simpson has one but what historic figure do you know with a chia pet made of them??
It's 10:46 in my 10 o'clock class, The Genetic Century and my bubbly, over enthused, horse lovin' science teacher belches.
Not any belch. it was loud. and wet. and just... gross..
She excused herself but then went on to what sounded like coughing up hairballs..
which lead to her spitting up into her own hand..
and then throwing up in the trash can..
it was the most random thing.
if she wasn't feelin' well that day she could have fooled me. she was just as outgoing as she usually is..
My friend thinks she's preggers..
maybe so.
It's 10:46 in my 10 o'clock class, The Genetic Century and my bubbly, over enthused, horse lovin' science teacher belches.
Not any belch. it was loud. and wet. and just... gross..
She excused herself but then went on to what sounded like coughing up hairballs..
which lead to her spitting up into her own hand..
and then throwing up in the trash can..
it was the most random thing.
if she wasn't feelin' well that day she could have fooled me. she was just as outgoing as she usually is..
My friend thinks she's preggers..
maybe so.
1 people left me some shugga!:
wow...chia Obama
wow...determined...or happy... thats a lil overbored...
Nah, the wax jaunt is str8, thats normal, but that chia jaunt is jus.... way too much
HAHAHAHAHA! thats hillary and bi.... wait one GODDANG MINIT! WHERE THE EFF IS MICHELLE???!!!! CMON NOW PPL!! Get ur lives together.
wteff... belches...wet...ewe...EWEWEWE dang... and i thought ms.powers had it wen she sneezed and dislocated her shoulder... nope... ur jaunt got it...hands down. yeah i was bouta say...maybe she's PG but that morning sickness usually entails more than what u can fit in ur hand...
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