
main joint...

1 a: not married b: of or relating to celibacy

Single is such a vague term nowadays.I mean like, growing up it always meant Hey are you single?? 'no I'm not in a relationship' and 'yeah, you have a chance to become that relationship that i'm not in right now'.It's not like we were thinkina bout marriage back then. But now there are so many effin exceptions to the rule.

I have come up with a few classifications of the single man. There's the single and not ready to mingle anytime soon, there's the single just so i can say i am, and there's the actually single..

ActuallySingle is the guy that will approach you and genuinely want something from you. Whether it's to fuck or actually get to know you better. Thing about these dudes is... some are good for you and some are bad. Just because they're actually single doesn't mean they're looking not to be. Girls get that effed up. Some ActuallySingle dudes are lookin for a girl and some aren't. These guys are single by definition.. no strings attached.

Single(So I Can Say I Am) might just be the worst single guy out there. These are the guys that are technically single but really they got this main joint that might as well be their girlfriend. These dudes aren't in a relationship because either... there's distance between him and her, she doesn't want to commit, or just so he can say he is single when he is at the club and meets YOU yet he has no intention of getting very far.

SingleNoMingle is the guy that just got out of a long term relationship and doesn't want to have a girl friend anytime soon .yadda yadda yahhh you've heard it before. this is the guy that is hurt.. and is morphing into a woman-usin asshole. the good thing about the SingleNoMingle guys is you can try to save him and be there for him in his time of need and all that gooshy stuff... be patient... he'll come around and become ActuallySingle.

"here we go yo, here we go yo, so what so what so what's the scenario"

Scenario 1:

I met a Single(So I Can Say I Am) at the club last week. Ok.. ok... I know! Red flag... I met a guy at the club whatever... I'm over it. ANYWAY, I met him at the club.. we danced, exchanged numbers, been textin' it up, you know gettin' to know each other through eGame... but then I did some research.. [via FaceBook of course] and this dude has a main joint. Like chick has been aroun for yeeeaaarrrrssss... [yes i did some hardcore investigatin] and she still is.. he has yet to mention her though but i mean i understand that cuz he's still feelin me out. But does this mean I have no chance from the jump?

Scenario 2:

Me and another Single(So I Can Say I Am) accidently fell into each others lips at this party but we were like just good friends. But after that night we realized that I mean whoa we could have feelings for each other. When we sobered down and discussed it a few days later, he told me about how technically he was single but he ain't gon lie to me... he's been seriously 'talking' to this girl for a while now.. [i'm guessin' this is one of those joints where the chick don wanna commit] but he still wanted to talk to me and see where it could go.
Uhm.... false.
I wasn't about to agree to be the other woman! are you kidding me??!!? And in my mind, he was puttin limitations on where we could go from the jump so... what was the point? Was it possible that he was gettin' sick of her and I coulda been that straw to break the camels back?

SO those are our scenarios. Advice greatly appreciated and shit.

I'm just tryina be somebodys main joint.
All I'm tryina do
is be somebodys main boo..
All I'm tryina be
is somebodys main squeeze
can i get an Amen?!?
Y'all don't hear me..

Adapted from JazzyBooBoo's Blog: Boys, Dogs and Men

2 people left me some shugga!:

Soul*Star said...

mannn oh mannn
i wish i could give you advice...
BUT i am currently dealing with a "single(so i can say i am) type guy... and im doing a horrible job dealing.. lol
so yea i'm of no help... but yea
I don't know... i feel like good relationships can come out of "single so i can say i am" relationships... like.. I don't know.. maybe i'm just saying it 'cause it's what i want to believe...


B. Coles said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN! yes i hear you. As you know...i have experienced the singlenomingle...and i think he's already morphed into the women usin a hole...but anywhoo
scenario 1... idk if it means u have no chace from the jump...but i think it does mean that if u steal some other girls jaunt she'll whop that trick... jkjk but idk thats a tuff one...idt he'll treat u how u wana be treated tho...or atleast not in public...cuz it really would be like ur the other woman... and ur better than that... so dont do it (as u weren't)
scenario 2
I think that is a possibility... but its not a perfect world (well not so perfect for the other girl) he may be tired of her...but in this case... idt so my love...