
2 Dumbasses, One Death

So, all of these 2 girls one cuz, 2 guys one horse videos are
disgusting. I just watched 2 guys one horse [aka death by horse cock]
for the first time. I am traumatized and I most likely will have
nightmares tonight.
How do you tell someones family that they died by being fvckd in the ass
by a horse? Hey Mrs. So and So, sorry to tell you, your son dies of a
raptured spleen. How? Oh, having sex with a horse.
Or if you tried to think of a lie.. Oh, he was hit by a truck... In his
Oh my God.
What is the world coming to.

On a more serious note, forget about that guy I told yall about. The
situation was a lil complicated. And pretty much, this campus is too
small and every black person knows every black person. And I usually go
for black men. Being a freshman, and not fully knowing anyone yet, I
have been noticing guys that have potential, and that are attractive...
So you accumalate a list of options... something that's kept to
myself... but still it's like.. I had this list... and know I have to
eliminate options because I found out these nighas DIRECT ROOMATES!

Neyo and Ryan Leslie are extremely talented and I have the utmost
respect and admiration for them and what they do.

I gotta read. Goodnight.
Sent from .:JaZz0:.'s T-Mobile Sidekick®

1 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

ewwwee jasmine! lol did u mean two girls one cup? but yeah the roomate thing...dont do it! reconsida!