Back in April BC had this minority program called Discovery Weekend...
you know, for like minorities that had been accepted to the school...
I met sooo many cool people there... but three qirls in particular
really stood out and still impact my life today...
One of them I found out was from Maryland too.. and now she's my room
mate.. Another, we are like twins.. like we have the same interests we
act alike its crazy... But the story with the third girl is the
Some of yall know, some of yall don't
me and my dad aren't close
I've been living in maryland for a while
and he lives in rhode island with his wife
and two kids
most recently, actually in december I like,
reached out to him you know?
like thought we should develop a relationship with each other
especially since I could be going to school near by him
I found out that the third girl from black family weekend is related to
his wife.
it was crazy
that means this woman I've never met
these kids I've never met
are related to a girl that I met
and clicked with at black family weekend
and today she texted me, she said her and her grandmother were going
through old pictures.. and she saw my dad..
its just crazy to me
that I could meet someone
and barely know them
yet she knows my family
well, my supposed family..
so well
she knows my family better than I do..
When they said Black Family Weekend...
I didn't think I'd be meetin actual relatives..
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