There are some really pathetic things out there if you really really think about it.
Posers... people who try to be something they aren't or that switch who they are around certain people.
Guys that are still using pick up lines that were never 'in' or useful...
Females that feel as if they have to show so much of their body to get attention from guys...
That stuff is pathetic.
But let me tell you about how pathetic I am.
I got dumped by a gey guy, via Facebook.
Absolutely, pathetic.
Well I mean you know it was one of those fake marriages.
Cuz yeah he's gay but we've been married for a while now lol.
And just the other day he told me
"you're the best wife a gay guy could have"
And then, he divorced me, for another guy.
Wait by saying 'another guy' does it make me seem like I'm a man?
I'll be back on later.
I have A LOT to share.
Last night was....
1 people left me some shugga!:
yea, lines are pathetic because now and days most of them are not genuine. in life u learn that many times an observation of someones lifestyle can be all the words you need.
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