not to toot my own horn but...
yes this is gonna be one of those entries... a little, get 2knowjazzo
better... For those of you that know me [[or those of you that are
getting2know me]] you are realizing that I am far from ur ordinary or
average person and like I said in the beginning.. I call myself unique
but I'm more unique than all these other ppl that call themselves
unique. I'm a special case. The point I'm trying to make is...
I'm also refuse to be your typical, ordinary, run of the mill, garden
variety lover.
When school first begun.. ahhh it's a funny story actually. There was
this freshman football player from my hometown that was like trying to
talk to me. So I'm like, u know, giving him the time of day but I wasn't
initially attracted and I had this whole 'no athlete' thing going on..
so this cat ends up fallin for me.. like reaally fallin for me, over the
course of like 4 days. it was RE-DiC! I tried to break it to him like
yo, I don't see nothing more than a friendship between us, and he pulled
the FATE card on me. Sayin I was tryina block destiny from running its
course and some more stuff.
Then like the next week I had a lil mini crush on a different freshman
football player but I was trying to keep my distance cuz my roomate did
too.. but we ended up having a class together, sitting by each other,
doin homework together and a friend of mine is like... "be careful, cuz
apparently all you need is a few days with them" LITERALLY an hour later
he texts me talkina bout how he was wondering if we could get to know
each other and what not.
third case was in the beginning of the summer.. yes, I'm talking about
HeartBreak.. that is soooo gonna be his name for the record. He and I
weren't supposed to be anything more than friends because we were such
great friends and one of his bestfriends had something for me... but
literally 4 days after I told him I liked him.. I had him creepin so...
I don't know what it is.

And its funny cuz I can get past these first steps right. and after I
give them one kiss... I usually have them but.. getting past all of the
initial stuff.. and getting into something of substance has only
happened twice... both ending in regret free heartache. and its got me
thinking like... the number of guys that try to talk to me, or the
number of guys I can try to talk to doesn't matter... at all... its
about getting to that point of sharing something with ONE person..
Its happened twice and been wonderful, u know? and like I know I'm
capable, and I know I'm different, and I know I'm ready... Is it wrong
to want that connection again? To want to be able to share that special
relationship with someone?
Or does wanting too hard set urself up for failure? Does looking too
hard cause you to jump into things too quick, rush, and act on
Or does not looking, make u overlook opportunities, and become oblivious
to potential lovers?
I don't even know ya'll.
Can I get some responses please?
Sent from .:JaZz0:.'s T-Mobile Sidekick®
not to toot my own horn but...
yes this is gonna be one of those entries... a little, get 2knowjazzo
better... For those of you that know me [[or those of you that are
getting2know me]] you are realizing that I am far from ur ordinary or
average person and like I said in the beginning.. I call myself unique
but I'm more unique than all these other ppl that call themselves
unique. I'm a special case. The point I'm trying to make is...
I'm also refuse to be your typical, ordinary, run of the mill, garden
variety lover.
When school first begun.. ahhh it's a funny story actually. There was
this freshman football player from my hometown that was like trying to
talk to me. So I'm like, u know, giving him the time of day but I wasn't
initially attracted and I had this whole 'no athlete' thing going on..
so this cat ends up fallin for me.. like reaally fallin for me, over the
course of like 4 days. it was RE-DiC! I tried to break it to him like
yo, I don't see nothing more than a friendship between us, and he pulled
the FATE card on me. Sayin I was tryina block destiny from running its
course and some more stuff.
Then like the next week I had a lil mini crush on a different freshman
football player but I was trying to keep my distance cuz my roomate did
too.. but we ended up having a class together, sitting by each other,
doin homework together and a friend of mine is like... "be careful, cuz
apparently all you need is a few days with them" LITERALLY an hour later
he texts me talkina bout how he was wondering if we could get to know
each other and what not.
third case was in the beginning of the summer.. yes, I'm talking about
HeartBreak.. that is soooo gonna be his name for the record. He and I
weren't supposed to be anything more than friends because we were such
great friends and one of his bestfriends had something for me... but
literally 4 days after I told him I liked him.. I had him creepin so...
I don't know what it is.
And its funny cuz I can get past these first steps right. and after I
give them one kiss... I usually have them but.. getting past all of the
initial stuff.. and getting into something of substance has only
happened twice... both ending in regret free heartache. and its got me
thinking like... the number of guys that try to talk to me, or the
number of guys I can try to talk to doesn't matter... at all... its
about getting to that point of sharing something with ONE person..
Its happened twice and been wonderful, u know? and like I know I'm
capable, and I know I'm different, and I know I'm ready... Is it wrong
to want that connection again? To want to be able to share that special
relationship with someone?
Or does wanting too hard set urself up for failure? Does looking too
hard cause you to jump into things too quick, rush, and act on
Or does not looking, make u overlook opportunities, and become oblivious
to potential lovers?
I don't even know ya'll.
Can I get some responses please?
Sent from .:JaZz0:.'s T-Mobile Sidekick®
6 people left me some shugga!:
Well jazzo, maybe reads these joint cause they are damn long LOL.... but naa this blog was jive funny, like four dayz... But naaa of course wanting it tooo much kinda stagnates the process thats the stage i am in right now... And next tyme u find something worthwhile, look at urself and see what all the other guys have said and try to change it... My dad always says "If one person says u have a tail maybe there lying, but when more and more start to say it... maybe u should look behind you" This would be JUJU speaking... lol Heartbreak, thats real rich....
How can you already have "great friends" in college with only about a month into school and maybe some summer school...Be careful out there (there are exceptions like me)
It's never wrong to want any kind of connection but make sure that other person is feeling the same way...You can't buy into all that lovey dovey shit and then you think there's a connection and then BOOM!!! He's smashing someone else...haha...That's not supposed to be funny...
Wanting it too hard could lead to failures...I've tried mad hard so many times that now I just chill and whatever happens will happen...
But get your shit together over in Upper...Over and Out
when you're searching, you'll never find what you're looking for. give it time and it always comes to you. and usually from the least expected source. i know it sounds lame and cliche, but it's one of the trustest things that i've learned and one of the most important that i've learned in my time at BC. and just because you're not looking, doesn't mean you can't see. it's like a magic eye puzzle. the harder you try and look for the hidden picture, the less you're able to see. if you just relax, the image will appear to you. you're not looking for it, but you still see it when it shows up.
no...its not wrong for u to want that again. but yes...is it bad to look too hard or want so much bcuz ppl have always told me that they found it when they werent looking and yes it can (and most likely will) cause you to overlook or just completely miss a possible soul mate. Just let Gods plan come in when it does. Let time run its corse and focus on you studies for now....put Him first and everything else will fall in to order.
I rethinking reading this now.
You confusing me more than I already am.
AND im kinda slow?!?!>.
but lol...Im looking forward to you finding that answer...cuz if even a pretty girls like you is having trouble, an average girl like me must be doin aright.
p.s. im starting to like ur blogs, keep posting.
I agree with Ricardo. You know NO ONE at BC yet...it is waaaaay too early to have your friends already. I just finished my sophomore year and JUST found my inner circle of friends. I am almost certain that a lot of what u think is true now will be proven wrong. Take my word. Give it some time b4 you try and determine anything..feel stuff out more.
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