Dropping A Load [the second]
this one goes out to my nigha iGoon, who doesn't believe girls take shits.

I try so hard to rescue these people.
The fact that I lock the door to the co-ed bathroom is out of courtesy, for them.
So that they won't have to experience my stench.
But sometimes I don't make it to the co-ed bathroom.
Sometimes I am forced to utilize the exclusively female stalls.
I notice so many things while I'm in there.
First off, in my first Hiney Hider [didn't read it? click it!] I discussed how inaffective Hiney Hiders are at literally hiding hinies. Not only is that inaffective but the actual LOCKs don't work half the time. So when there are four stalls, one is stopped up, one doesn't lock. How man stalls are left? DO THE MATH. TWO. And then if I take one to take a shit that leaves one and it leaves me extremely noticeable.
Another thing I've observed is some people have problems.
This might be a little weird but the girl in the stall next to me... it just seemed like she was peeing incorrectly or having trouble or something because it was like.. stagnant. She hasn't been messin' around on campus but maybe here boyfriend has been messin' around and she's burnin'.
Some people make some really strange sounds when they brush their teeth. They sound bulimic. Like they are literally throwing up, coughing up every meal they had that day. It sounds soo painful like they are scraping every bit of mucus from their throat.
Overall, using the exclusive female bathroom makes for a very unpleasant shit taking experience.
Lesson Learned: Stick to the co-ed joint with the lock... or bring an iPod.
This part is kinda for the ladies.
Like yo, when it's that time of the month I hate the process like.. taking a shower having to bring your shit, yet having discard your old shit or the wrapper for the new shit. It's too much and it's so frustrating. Anyone agree?
And for all you Hiney Hider haters..
I know you like to think your ish don't stank but,
lean a lil closer. see? roses really smell like boo-boo-oo-ooo.
Roses really smell like boo-boo-oo-ooo.
this one goes out to my nigha iGoon, who doesn't believe girls take shits.
I try so hard to rescue these people.
The fact that I lock the door to the co-ed bathroom is out of courtesy, for them.
So that they won't have to experience my stench.
But sometimes I don't make it to the co-ed bathroom.
Sometimes I am forced to utilize the exclusively female stalls.
I notice so many things while I'm in there.
First off, in my first Hiney Hider [didn't read it? click it!] I discussed how inaffective Hiney Hiders are at literally hiding hinies. Not only is that inaffective but the actual LOCKs don't work half the time. So when there are four stalls, one is stopped up, one doesn't lock. How man stalls are left? DO THE MATH. TWO. And then if I take one to take a shit that leaves one and it leaves me extremely noticeable.
Another thing I've observed is some people have problems.
This might be a little weird but the girl in the stall next to me... it just seemed like she was peeing incorrectly or having trouble or something because it was like.. stagnant. She hasn't been messin' around on campus but maybe here boyfriend has been messin' around and she's burnin'.
Some people make some really strange sounds when they brush their teeth. They sound bulimic. Like they are literally throwing up, coughing up every meal they had that day. It sounds soo painful like they are scraping every bit of mucus from their throat.
Overall, using the exclusive female bathroom makes for a very unpleasant shit taking experience.
Lesson Learned: Stick to the co-ed joint with the lock... or bring an iPod.
This part is kinda for the ladies.
Like yo, when it's that time of the month I hate the process like.. taking a shower having to bring your shit, yet having discard your old shit or the wrapper for the new shit. It's too much and it's so frustrating. Anyone agree?
And for all you Hiney Hider haters..
I know you like to think your ish don't stank but,
lean a lil closer. see? roses really smell like boo-boo-oo-ooo.
Roses really smell like boo-boo-oo-ooo.
3 people left me some shugga!:
Girls don't take shits...this all happened in a bad dream..haha
but u have a zune buggey! lol and i have a kinda great compacting solution for that time of the month... well it depends on what u use...we wont go too far into those details... but yeah when u take the old one off...wrap it in the new ones wrapper and then trow them away...it makes for one less trip! lol and yeah i've noticed wierd things while relieving myself too. maybe ill blog about the next one...nah...ill leave that to u my dear
jaz why did you do this to me.
what reason would you haave
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