So.. I told you guys about this blog idea a while ago. Not in depth or anything but I definitely mentioned it. I also asked you guys to read Crucial Cuddling Time [didn't read it? Click it.] My reasoning being the article I am about to write is extremely similar to that one that was wrtitten. and I won't have to repeat myself as much. Ya know?
Fun Fact:
Most birthdays are in the summer.
Fuck the term 'summer love'. I think I'm going to call summer love like... boredom boo's. The only reason you grab a boo joint is because you have nothing to do and you're lonely and you're bored. And you end up bunned up, cakin', boo lovin' because of how bored you are. And no, I am not saying this out of bitterness with HeartBreak [don't know who that it? damn. tough.] Even though I am still lightly salted about that one.. but I looked back over each summer.. and each and every summer since I was in sixth grade, I've had a summer joint. And he's solely lasted the summer. Summer joints or boredom boo's don't last. They just don't. That's why most birthdays are in the summer.
Hear me out.
It takes 9months to have a baby. This we all know. And for the sake of my point we are disregarding pre-mees. This means most of ya'll knuckelheads [yes, I called all of you knuckelheads] were conceived of in september, october or november. For the slow people, I'm trying to say that people be gettin' it IN in the fall, yo. And it's more than just a boredom boo.
People get into like... relationships and shit.
And I bet we're all witnessing it.
I know up here it's getting cold. We'll probably have snow within the next four weeks.
People aren't gonna be wanting to go out all the time. Hell, it's gonna be a hike to the dining hall. They're gonna want that one chick or one dude to wrap up. That one chick or dude to cuddle wit. To have a a room other than their own to chill in.
There's something about the orange and yellow leaves falling that makes you want to fall in love. There's something about that sharp, brisk breeze that makes you want to cuddle.
Who wants to sleep alone?
I know I don't.
3 people left me some shugga!:
i know i don't either.
but pick your cuddle partner with discretion. and fuck a summer b-day. 9.18 is when the best b-days are. that means my parents had a vicious christmas day. 9 months later, i popped out. get it?
find somebody for that CCT quickly if you think you need it. it's about to be cold as shit out there.
hmmm...this is an interesting one. this is tru tho...even with regards to pre mess...bcuz the junts that are accedent prolly havnt known eacvhother since the summer...and the junts that are really together prolly been together for a year or so...or bunned up b4 the summer! lol but some summer flings do last..most dont. all i know is that usually ppl get bunned with one thing in mind in the summer...but any other time, its based on true feelings... i wonder wat bordem boo's are called in places where school lets out in their winter... hmmm. but i digress...i dont wana sleep alone either. oh and "lightly salted"...i remember that! haha chip bag on top of the fridge!
my summer fling lasted!!! and we've been together (in some sense or another) for over a year :) lol
as far as this fall bunning thing, i don't know if it's going to be quite as frequent at bc as you think. but keep that freshman enthusiasm for as long as possible. then find a guy from home, cuz the ones here pretty much suck.
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