Thank you, Jesus!
You guys don't understand.
I have just received a HUGE blessing
from my school.
And I just had to stop and thank him.
I haven't written a blog in some time so let me update you guys.
Here's the blog I was going to publish Thursday if I had time.
Courage to Know [the second]
It was a Thursday. You know what that means [don't know? click here] We had a guest speaker to class from the Women's Resource Center. We talked about rape and sexual assault and a bunch of stuff like that and I found it really interesting. They gave us scenarios and we had to figure out if the person in the situation had given consent or not and you guys would be surprised at how hard it is to decide is it was consent or not.
Fun Fact: In Massachusetts, no one can give consent under the influence of alcohol.
I realize females are very confusing. Sometimes no means yes. Sometimes yes means I have trouble saying no. Sometimes silence means proceed and sometimes silence means no. But how do we expect the male to know this unless he is told? I'm not saying pull out a contract as you pull out the contraceptives. I'm just saying make sure consent is a verbal agreement.
And guys, don't just assume that after your girl has f-ed you once or twice, that every time you wanna have sex she's going to want to. It is possible to rape someone you're sexually active with.
It sounds like it will like.. totally ruin the moment or whatever but trust me, it won't. It's not a big deal. Just a simple, "You ready?" will do the trick and a simple nod will seal the deal.
I also got a lot out of my second Thursday class. We did like a grammar review and my teacher showed us a clip from The Office [one of the best shows ever btw]. It took me a really long time to find so you better enjoy it.
to top of my entire day, I saw him in the dust bowl.. Who is he, you ask? Ah, wouldn't you like to know.
Ya'll should know by now that I change my mind like I change my clothes [Lol B.Coles, name that song(s)]..
1 people left me some shugga!:
yeah u really do...and yeah i still haven't found it. Not under changes panties...or changes shoes. all that came up was katy perry. dang it! lol that clip was funny tho. and im sorry to hear about ur thursday morning. Ill send u some liquid soap for X-mas
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