Today we're going to talk about the good stuff.
Love, relationships maybe some sex. You know, all that good stuff. I have a couple topics I want to discuss that have been heavy on my mind. These include, biracial couples, dating people with heavy accents, or dating a person that primarily speaks another language. I also want to hit the topics of liking the idea of someone verse actually liking them. That will also include someone having potential verse someone having something special. And last but def. not least.. dating athletes... Let's get it.
Bi-Racial Couples
He better get it.
I have no problem with bi-racial couples. Matter fact, I want to marry an Asian man so my kids can look like Amerie. no suh, see that's the problem right there. I feel like some ghetto black broads date outside their race because they want their kids to have good hair and a nice complexion. I don't know about you but, that pisses me the fvck off. If you were to date outside your race, what would be your reasoning??
I know for me, I am actually attracted to guys of a lot of different races. I don't know how people can straight up say.. I only talk to white girls or I only talk to black and Spanish guys like.. You never know what is gonna appeal to your eye. And you def. never know what's gonna appeal to your heart. My roommate is always talking about how theres no such thing as liking only light skin black boys or only liking dark skin black boys. And she's right, maybe you usually pull light skin black boys or they catch your eye first but eventually there will be a dark skin boy that you find absolutely gorgeous. You can't limit yourself.
And I try not to limit myself but... It's like guys outside my race(s) don't take me seriously. We've all been through it. You approach a group of your caucasian associates and they all start trying to 'act black' "What's Up DAWG!" and they try to dap you up.. Or they try to 'act black' by saying "Shooot" or "Girrrrrl" and it's like you don't have to change they way you act because a black person has approached you. It pisses me off yo. Because what if I was genuinely interested in you. I can't even get past that interest because you feel like you can't be yourself, or have to be someone else when you're around me. Are black girls just too unapproachable? or intimidating?
Hell, sometimes I feel intimidated. A lot of people stick with their culture group. Hispanics tend to date hispanics [and stay with them forever] asians usually date asians.. And when I have a genuine attraction for either a hispanic guy or an asian guy I feel like even if they are being themselves around me, they'd never take it past the friendship level to anything serious because I'm not hispanic or asian or cape verdean. Is this true? Honestly with the hispanic and asian aspect of it.. Sometimes I feel inferior to the hispanic and asian females I'm 'competing' against [for lack of better words]. They're beautiful. Can a hispanic or asian guy see beauty in me, even though I'm not hispanic or Asian??
Maybe they think the same thing that I think about them. Maybe they're afraid that I don't date out of my culture. But hell, I don't know how anyone can look at me and say that. I'm mixed with so many things. Geez. Do you guys think I could bag a Hispanic or Asian guy tho?? How do I know if he's taking me seriously?
It shouldn't be about this. right? Like, we should like people for what they are inside and all that corny junk. But the truth is, attraction is the first step. I don't care what anyone says, relationships with people you aren't attracted to DON'T WORK! I've been there, tried that.
All of these black and white people dating each other are the beginning of a melting pot and soon enough everyone should be able to date everyone but right now I'm still intimidated when it comes to approaching a Hispanic or Asian guy.
I've always straight up said if I found a black guy with a British accent panties would drop immediately, not literally but you get the point. I think British accents are soooo HOT! And French guys with nice bods and long hair are hot too.. So I started making the generalization that guys with accents were hot. Boy, was I wrong.
Over the past few weeks, I have encountered two new accents. I met a kid from the Ivory Coast whose accent was mixed with a Boston accent and it was just... strange.
I also met a kid from Nigeria and it was just... gross..
What sucks is, they were both very attractive males but I couldn't get past the accent.
Am I shallow?
The fact that I can't get past something on the outside? I mean it's almost the same as the people that don't date outside their race or complexion. I don't date outside my accent with the exception of a hot British guy.
Would you be embarrassed of a guy or girl with a gross accent? Like, in public.
It's almost the same as dating a straight guy that's kind of.. flamboyant. You'd be a little embarrassed. Or dating a guy that couldn't dress... at all.
What's acceptable and what isn't. What do I need to get over and what requirements do I keep?
And seriously, am I shallow?
Different Language

This also goes back to the bi-racial thing and like how.. people of the same cultures tend to associate with each other. If you aren't a part of that culture and like, your boyfriend brings you to a family event or to like the meeting for the Korean club like, how do you know if people are talking shit when they're speaking Korean? Can I just state a fact, if you and the significant other don't speak the same language at all, it's not going to work, period. But I'm talking about if the other person speaks say, Spanish to his roommates or most of his friends. Wouldn't you feel left out?? Wouldn't it just make your insecurities worse or create concerns??
This isn't about language but like... How do you deal with it when you're significant other is like.. really nice everyone. Opens doors, carries things, tutors, touches that spot on their lower back [not too high where it's just friends but not too low where it's I just want some ass. Hitch anyone?]. And how do you deal with it when all of his friends... that he's nice too... are GORGEOUS and awesome... Lol. I guess you just have to trust the fact that.. he's with you right. Meaning he made a choice to be with you.. when he could have chosen her. Right? Then why do guys cheat? Or have things on the side? Like, don't make it official if you have other prospective bun joints. Because once you make that commitment.. I'm trusting that you chose me. Right?
Liking Someone VS Liking the Idea of Them
I could argue about this topic for hours but basically, we all have an ideal girlfriend or boyfriend in mind right... Like I want my husband to be taller than me with my heels on.. Nice body, humorous, relationship with God, into performance, visual and fine arts, in touch with his emotions, confident, etc. So when I find someone that meets my criteria, I think I like them but really.. I just like the idea of them..
Someone that fits your criteria has potential.. Having potential doesn't mean that he's the one. It means he fits the criteria and he's convenient... There is a certain 'it' factor that one must have to be the one. He could also have 'it' and not have potential. There could be something about him that draws me in yet he could have a girlfriend, or dress weird, or be short.
My problem is deciding whether or not I actually like someone, or if I just like the idea of them. Do you have to like the idea of someone BEFORE you begin to like them?
I don't think so. I think you have to like the idea of someone before you get into a relationship with them but I don't think liking the idea of someone is a prerequisite for just liking them. I have liked the idea of a few people at BC but no one has 'it' yet. I've even begun to like some people that I like the idea of but still not 'it' factor. Am I wasting my time if I entertain these 'it'-less guys? Or should I just wait until I find someone with the 'it' factor??
Dating Athletes
you guys remember my article about dating freshman... I feel like when it comes to dating athletes, everyones the Freshmen.
Why do we classify athletes in such a separate category? Have their actions given themselves this rep or have our assumptions of them forced them to act this way?
I feel like I came to college with this huge mentality that every male athlete was going to be an asshole.. I feel like there are definitely a few male athletes that have proved me right but I also feel like I am witnessing the transformation.
Some of them start off as nice guys, but when bitties with raging hormones get athlete-happy what do they expect? To get treated like a lady? Oh yeah, here's my pussy on a platter. Athlete: no, no I can't accept that. YEAH RIGHT! It grows to the point that they expect pussy on a platter, from every female.. because SOO many females are handing it over. And when you're that girl that's like.. Suck your dick? What?! Nigha, hell no! You think he's an asshole because of how he approached you. And yes, i agree, he was out of place but, what did you expect when every other female is like "I'll do whatever you liike". Are there any athletes that don't transform?? Or are they all bound to be assholes...
By the way, as friends a lot of them are madd cool but I'm talking about relationship wise.
I asked a lot of questions..
So here they are conveniently posted again for your convenience lol.
You don't have to answer like all of them or anything, you don't get a grade for this or anything. I'm just interested in what other people think about this...
*1*If you were to date outside your race, what would be your reasoning?
*2*Are black girls just too unapproachable? or intimidating?
*3*Can a hispanic or asian guy see beauty in me, even though I'm not hispanic or Asian?
*4*Do you guys think I could bag a Hispanic or Asian guy tho?
*5*How do I know if he's taking me seriously?
*6*Am I shallow?
*7*What requirements are acceptable and what aren't. What do I need to get over and what requirements do I keep?
*8*If the other person speaks say, Spanish to his roommates or most of his friends. Wouldn't you feel left out?? Wouldn't it just make your insecurities worse or create concerns??
*9*How do you deal with it when you're significant other is really nice to all of his friends that are gorgeous and awesome?
*10*He made a choice to be with you.. when he could have chosen her. Right? Then why do guys cheat? Or have things on the side?
*11*Do you have to like the idea of someone BEFORE you begin to like them?
*12*Am I wasting my time if I entertain these 'it'-less guys? Or should I just wait until I find someone with the 'it' factor??
*13*Why do we classify athletes in such a separate category? Have their actions given themselves this rep or have our assumptions of them forced them to act this way?
*14*Are there any athletes that don't transform?
Totally forgot to ask about sex with people from other races and cultures... what's it like? is it much different? anyone have any crazy sex stories with people of other cultures? You can be anonymous if you want.
And if you haven't read season of love... please do.. you can click it..
5 people left me some shugga!:
AIIGHHHT GUHH, ive promised to comment on your blog one too many times and havent. soooo i'm making it up by commenting on this long ass blog cause i just couldnt resist =]
*1*If you were to date outside your race, what would be your reasoning?
I SOOOO fucking understand what you were saying about not being able to approach a guy of another race. I went to a primarily (pretty much all) white school for my whole like (even now..), and up until about junior year i honestly thought that something was wrong with me. I was reallyyy good friends with all of the white-boys, but nothing ever seemed to get passed the friendship phase. It wasnt until i got older and more regularly hung out w/ boys of my race that I started getting more attention from guys/getting into relationships and all thaaaattt. It pretty much dawned on me that more often than not people are only attracted to people of their race,and when they are attracted to those of other races they never think of it as somebody they would want to get into a relationship with but simply just a good looking person.
*2*Are black girls just too unapproachable? or intimidating?
I think I'm very approachable ;)
but in general? yeah, i think so.
a lot of black girls just have this loud and proud aora about them and this is probably intimidating...but im suree it really just depends on the person.
*3*Can a hispanic or asian guy see beauty in me, even though I'm not hispanic or Asian?
*4*Do you guys think I could bag a Hispanic or Asian guy tho?
honestly, im not sure. but if your going to YOU BETTER WERK.
*5*How do I know if he's taking me seriously?
i think youll know hes taking me seriously if it looks like hes putting as much effort into chillin/flirting/whatever the hell yall are doing as you. but then again, some guys are just nice/funny/sweet soooo you really hvae to pay attention. but dotn overanalyzeee.
*6*Am I shallow?
no? i forget what you were talking about on this one. the accents right? i mean, you cnt help what your attracted to/put off by. i personally am not a big fan of accents. theyre funny to hear, but i dont think id ever really be into somebody with an accent...sorry.
*9*How do you deal with it when you're significant other is really nice to all of his friends that are gorgeous and awesome?
STORY OF MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. i dont know how to deal with it.
*10*He made a choice to be with you.. when he could have chosen her. Right? Then why do guys cheat? Or have things on the side?
*11*Do you have to like the idea of someone BEFORE you begin to like them?
Yeah i think so. i feel like when you first meet somebody you base your feelings off of whatever small facts you know of them - appearance, hobbies, school they go to..whatever. and i feel that if you like the idea of them than thats where the initial attraction comes in. THEN, once you get to know them more you begin to like them for who they are or the :it factor" or whatever. of course, though, you can always develop feelings for somebody who you didnt like idea of at first because your heart just likes to fuck around like that sometimes.
*12*Am I wasting my time if I entertain these 'it'-less guys? Or should I just wait until I find someone with the 'it' factor??
yeah i think in the long run you can think of it as "wasting your time", but if you dont have anybody with "it" than i see no harm in "entertaining" these guys and having fun with it. after all, it is cuddle season.
*14*Are there any athletes that don't transform?
Only one or two that i've met...but then again theyve been in school for what like..2 months?
JAZZOOOOO, i skipped a few, but yaaaay for me finally commenting on this thing. i love u guhhh but CHU ALREADYY KNOOOOOOOOO
My fav part
"heres my pussy on a platter"
HE-larryus! we go.
1. well ive dated outside of my race...well technically i didnt cuz im part white...but anyways, it was bcuz...ill have to tell u the truth outside of the internet but another reason was cuz we liked eachother and he was mad cool.
2. It depends on the black girl being approached...or not being approached. You...are not intimidating...but i think ppl jus know that we as black young women are determined and dont take no short if thats intimidating...oh well. Whoever is the 1 for u...will not find u intimidating...and if he does..he'll get over it cuz he's the one...feel meh? iight
3.In you personally? Well that doesnt really matter because its really the opinion of the asian or hispanic in question. Hispanic...yeah, i know a few hispanic mujers that love them some black women...idk about asian men tho...usually if a child is Blasian...the mother is usually asian. The men do tend to stick to their own...dont get me jus callin it how i see it. But of corse they're guna see beauty in u bcuz ur, yeah.
4.refer to above message. in short yes...more so hispanic than asian tho
5. you dont, you just have to observe them in their natural habbitat...maybe when they dont know ur around. This may not be a good thing...but i kinda trst ppl until they give me reason not to... kinda...not saying i tell them my secrets, but what im saying is, at the same time that we are building trust, i kinda trust them enuff not to think them suspect or always think...u know what, lets jus say i give ppl the benefit of the doubt. damn! lol but yeah i mean u jus gota observe tha jaunt and ull know soon enuff if he's taking u seriously.
6. Shallow....nah...i mean people like what they like...and if not liking an accent makes u shallow, then we're all shallow. But ive met ur good.
7. get over all of them in the same man... especially the "in touch with his feminine side" jaunt...but i mean reach for the stars so if u fall u can land on a cloud...<3
8. No i wouldnt feel left out cuz i speak spanish...but if it were like french or like um.bak.twa(not a real language) then hell yah id feel left out! but dont let that prohibit you from being with someone who u really like... cuz u can learn...ight well cuz u can get over
9. hmmm..i think u did good wen u sayd that he chose there's a reson for that...just ride it out and maybe tell him that it kinda makes u uncomfortable... see what he says and how he acts after that...then act upon those observations.
10. not all guys cheat or have things on the side...i really dont know y guys do either...they dont know how to settle for women who dont have all the characteristics they were looking for in a woman... idk...or maybe they jus cant keep their dick in one hole... idk ask one. lol
11. NOOOO! thats y we get to know ppl so that we can continue to build upon our wants. So that we can know what we do and do not like. The combinations that are'nt for us and the characteristics that are...feel meh?
12. just to let u know...ur asking the same question here. I think u either meant it w/o the "or" in the middle or u meant to say "Or should I just date the it-less guy anyways" Cuz if i say that u should wait to find the it-with guy then thatd be saying the same as ur waisting ur time with the it-less guy...feel meh?
but to answer ur ? i dont think ur wasting ur time bcuz this is part of what college is for. and like i said u may find something you like in him that cancels out ur "it" factor...feel meh?
13.both...when it al started for a reason...then they were placed upon with the stigma... and like u sayd girls were jus throwin their goods at em... so they began to expect it. Then they started actin like it. feel meh?
14. I believe that if someone has a good foundation, then nothing can shake them from it... some athletes never transformed in the 1st place...u c me? im sayin like, they were good guys b4 athleticism... and they'll be good guys during and after athleticism...
I dont think ive had sex with anyone outside of my race... hmmm... i think we had this convorsation wen u stayed at mi
hope my answers help!
i think you need a guy on the blog to
first off
see that means i'm havin a serious effect on you if you mentioning my race in a bloooggg doggie!!!
but yeah...sooo
1. I tend to be the dude that always leaves his door open. I'm attracted to women of all races. The only reasoning i've ever had for being with anyone of another race was that I like them. "I don't discriminate, i regulate every shade of the ass" - Pun..vulgar quote, but i mean, part of it worked lol.
2. I think what people may think of black girls makes them intimidating. Its the image that has been put out. But its not black girls that are unapproachable. its gangsta ass girls that are unapproachable lol. i feel the same way when i'm talkin to my white friends as well. they always start off they sentences with "yo stefano," or "ayo stef-dog". like yo, can you make me feel any more alienated? i already am like 1 of 40 black people in a town of primarily whites. ridiculous.
3. why wouldn't a hispanic or asian guy see that beauty? i don't see a reason why they wouldn't. unless they just didn't find you attractive...that's just life.
4. same thing as the last question..unless your game is incredibly wack or that person doesn't find you attractive, why not?
5. this is a good question. depends on the person. but you'd be able to tell.
lemme skip some questions...
8. i'd prolly say some stupid shit like 'no spanish allowed' or something. itll prolly get em to stop for the moment lol.
9. if your significant other is like that, and he's your significant other, then you should trust him...easier said than done but it can be done. over time.
10. i've never cheated. but i know some guys do it off insecurities, i know some guys do it cuz they don't like to be locked down by one woman, and some guys just like the thrill. much like women. but yall be more discreet than men about it. yall get away with it way easier when yall do it.
14. there are athletes that don't transform. they go to the NFL. lmao nah but there's definitely athletes like that. but they change some time after college. get lonely eventually.
the last sex question.
how so? chill thats a whooole nother post.
heheheheh! I jus got the allusion to "ebony and ivory" lls
I cant comment as much as I want to right now cuz im at work. but girl.. i be thinkin the same things... esp wit interracial things-- Im mixed,so its normal for me to have interest in ppl of diff races, but it seems like men of certain races (even some that i represent) just arent interested in me. . . maybe i dont have the look that they're goin for... who knows... more to come :)
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