So today someone with the screen name MySwagIs6ck IMed me...
They said something along the lines of
Meanwhile I'm kindly letting them know that they have the wrong person. Because I have no idea who their talking about and i've never been to a club in my life [true story.. i know its sad]...
Thing is...like... even if i did... this eBeastin is ridiculous. people are like legit eGangsters now... and I mean what are you gonna do come through the computer screen? And she sounded really dumb... like i told her if you gon come at me... come correct with factual information that... hmmm.. makes sense?
is that too much to ask?
Where she got my IM address from.. I don't even know
She said she was lookin for a Jasmine tho... but she wouldnt tell me the last name... and i've gotten IMs before from people lookin for a Jasmine that isn't me..
plus we all know my name isn't Jasmine it's Jasmin..
anyway... eGame, eGansters, eSwag, eSmack... its all bullhair.
All of it..
Like, don't come at me with it..
And if she got my screen name from facebook why couldnt she just message me? Didn't want me to know who she was? If you want to fight me or whatever.. why wouldn't you want me to know who you are... thas that punk ass bullhair.
It was prolly just somebody just effin wit me tho.. GOOOD ONE...
They said something along the lines of
"Bytch don't be gettin' your girls to talk shyt to my girl. you just mad. you just mad cuz i got yur man. bytch you hungry. what you aint got free food. you got a broke ass nigha. can't buy you no food. u like michael. bytch dont act stupid you gon get urself in a deeper whole. and tell tamia to lose wait dirty smut.And leave lia alone bytch u don't want it. go fuck some dude in the club. u don't want it"
Meanwhile I'm kindly letting them know that they have the wrong person. Because I have no idea who their talking about and i've never been to a club in my life [true story.. i know its sad]...
Thing is...like... even if i did... this eBeastin is ridiculous. people are like legit eGangsters now... and I mean what are you gonna do come through the computer screen? And she sounded really dumb... like i told her if you gon come at me... come correct with factual information that... hmmm.. makes sense?
is that too much to ask?
Where she got my IM address from.. I don't even know
She said she was lookin for a Jasmine tho... but she wouldnt tell me the last name... and i've gotten IMs before from people lookin for a Jasmine that isn't me..
plus we all know my name isn't Jasmine it's Jasmin..
anyway... eGame, eGansters, eSwag, eSmack... its all bullhair.
All of it..
Like, don't come at me with it..
And if she got my screen name from facebook why couldnt she just message me? Didn't want me to know who she was? If you want to fight me or whatever.. why wouldn't you want me to know who you are... thas that punk ass bullhair.
It was prolly just somebody just effin wit me tho.. GOOOD ONE...
1 people left me some shugga!:
and besides factual information, how bouta she learn how to spell. It cracks me up wen ppl try to get buck over text messages, emails, fb msgs, im's, etc...and cant even spell.
like my dumbass ex roomate who called me "shelvish" I laughed so hard... now its jus an inside joke btwx my new rommates and i... lol
bullhair... i love it...still lol
y is he choking his cat... holyfeild... l.o.l.
i dont think its considered gangstaaaarrrr when you KNOW that what ur saying is grammatically incorrect, and u jus str8 up make the decision to not be gramatically correct... lol
and every1 does that poutty lips peace sign pose... but he's right about the timer...but sometimes (as u know jasmin) the timers dont work...quite the way we would like them to...lol
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