Okay. So what kind of haste could the world be in to make this...
They have a flat iron made for the CAR
<<< This is rediculos! "HUNNY HURRY UP AND TAKE THE WHEEL... IM BOUT TO BURN MY SCALP!" or that jaunt we all try to pull wen the burger's a lil too sloppy to eat with one hand and the wheel is a lil too far from the knee...
"Please Lord let this light turn yellow... so i can stop and flat iron my hair"
But i mean really, what kind of work space do we have in the car to do or hair any ways... i mean, a pony tail...nbd... a braid is pushin it..but u got it.. but FLAT IRONING? thats sooo illegal! how much of ur head can you see in the rearview mirror anyways? The mirror that pulls down in the visor is no better... what u guna lookin? That mirror on the side of the car that TELLS you "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear"... that means that the side u did in that mirror is guna look wayyyyy different than the side u did in the visor or rearview jaunt... they got u all effed up! HAHA

DUH FOOL! U SEEN ME COME IN DIS JAUNT AND RUN STR8 TO THE BAK! U KNOW I AINT ORDER NO 5 PIECE, BUSCUIT, RED BEANS AND RICE, DRINK... none of that shish... but i maintained my composure... "Yes... PLEASE!"
Your boy gave me like 50 napkins...like i kid u not... like he wanted me to leave them in there so that wont nobody else come ask him for any! I read betwixt all lines...so, thas exactly what i did... but i really jus thought it was a shame that Popeyes, a public facility, aint got no toilet paper... that shish is a trip!

So, everyone thinks that Angelina's lips are so HOTT aye?? I mean i do too... but i jus came to realize that they wouldnt look so HOTT on a dude...
And clearly not on the baby either... I mean dont get me wrong... This child is going to grow up and be REDICULOUSLY georgous! And she is the cutest lil thing now.. but u have to admit... she's guna have to grow in to those lips.. lol but i must say... Shiloh is a stunning chiald!

YO! Did u know that Matt Damon and Brad Pitt have been best friends forever? They topped the charts today on MTV's ranking of celebrity Bromances... 1200 points... but i jus think its so adorable! They grew up together in Boston MA and have been inseprable ever since! They even got married and had (biological)kids w/in months of one another! (not that it was planned...im jus sayin) and now their kids go on playdates together and everything! I jus think thats soooo incredibly cute! I want famous friends!!!!
Well I think thats it for now... ill prolly realize some more weird shish tomorrow!
2 people left me some shugga!:
i can hear you... when i read about that flat iron
WTF type shit is a flat iron in the car? But look though, I seen this woman eaten a McGriddle and putting make-up on in her PASSENGER side visor mirror. SO yea, she must have invited that joint.
And Popeyes, they have some good ass chicken.
Funny post though.
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