whatever it is you chose to call them... is all the same...
SO... what exactly did I learn about these.. specimen... haha
I think that the first and most important thing that I learned.. and am still trying to accept is that they are all different
during this first semester I have come into close encounter/relationship (not nessesarily boyfriends.. friends and acquaintances too) with five guys that I honestly say helped shaped(good/bad) my first semester of college.
They are all different... yea females will say "NO THEY"RE NOT!" and many guys will say "THANK YOU!".... don't speak so quickly..
different is good.. in proportions...
I used to think that every guys had this one thought, and one thought only... SEX
I met these five guys and from my time with them I can conclude that that's not really ALL they want.. i'm not saying that they don't want it... but that's not the only thing they think about..
but i do know that guys are highly influenced by their drive for sex.. it can make them say things and do things that make them out to be jerk, players, assholes, etc... And it's this drive for sex that primarily has females hating males.. actually no i lied... its the males REACTION to this drive for sex that has many females hating males..
their reaction. their response... thats where the difference comes into play...
some.. actually, many guys chose to act primarily on this drive for sex. they want it. they need it. so they're going to do everything in their power to get.. right? and by everything in their "power" i mean, like they're gonna sweet talk, tell you your the shit, and that they ain't never met a girl like you... sound familiar? hahah :-)
other guys are a little different.. they still want sex.. but it's not always on the brain... i guess/think? they still flirt. they wonder how it would be to have sex with you. they still ponder on the fact that could pursue you... but they don't.. they have a little more control.. this kinda guy, he cool to chill with... sometimes... other times, he makes those awkward sexual comments, touches you, and jokes around about sex with you... this is signal that the sex drive is in overload, and it's time for you two to go your separate way... that is unless you want to take it for a test drive hahaha :-)
<"you ain't even really gotta be my girlfriend... we can hook up, hang out, just chill">
the last guy comes few and far between. I mean.. like i feel like each and every guy has the potential to be one of these guys, but they chose which one they want to be. And few guys chose to be this guy particular guy.. lol. this guy is the "bestfriend"... he does not technically have to be your bestfriend, but HEY if he wanted to.. he could. Like you get none of those sexual innuendos, and if he ever wanted to have sex with you, he keeps it so under wraps that it's ridiculous. he's just madd chill and madd cool. you guys can talk about anything and everything.. i mean i think ever female should have one these.. stop taking guy advice from ur girls when you can get it from an actually guy.. right? am i wrong? i feel like everything would be less complicated.. you would understand men more and thus he would understand females more.. iono.. i've been told that it's not possible for a girl and a guy to be just friends... i'm thinking that ima prove that "fact" wrong..
they're different... thus they way you approach them must be different. you can't go up to every guy thinking the same thing.. you have to broaden your horizon.. if you expect them to be asshole.. then they might as well be one.. ya kno? no? ya i know they could "try and prove you wrong" but (1) that takes a lot more effort out of their part.. it probably a LOT easier to just be a jerk and (2) really though, i hate to say it, but they don't really owe us anything... i mean it would be nice and wonderful if they could all be gentlemen and sweep us off our feet, but the don't HAVE to.. and then a girl could just be like "well then they ain't gonna have me".. really though, plenty of girls throw themselves at the males when they're asshole(BLAH a blog for another day)... so why straighten up for you? iono.. i'm just trying to see it from a neutral side...
what do you think?
quote it up :-) : "Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship." - Oscar Wilde
^so i guess he disagrees lol
** disclaimer** i think that in the song "buddy" by musiq soulchild that he is kinda wanting to be a friends w/ benefits..
5 people left me some shugga!:
good job jen
I commend your blog tho! I like it wen women can see a p.o.v. from both sides of the spectrum... now to the real comments
Yeah men are all different...the only similarity ALL of them have in common is the ability to break our hearts...(this also stands vice versa)
HAHA! Ass and titties is my fav house music song!
The "buddy"/guy that wants to be friends with benefits...yeah ur right (in my opinion) about all of this, I feel that guys all have the same...stuff...(idk wat its called.. but the male version of sugar, spice, and everything nice) but they just have different variations of self control. So this...stuff...that they have just comes out in different ways/amounts. Which very well may have been what u just said...i have... not the best memory.. lol
But I just got one of those "best friend" guys...I mean I always had guy friends.. but now I have a guy friend that i can actually go to for, like you said, advice about other guys...
I mean, the fact that he's hot and I think im playin more of the "guys" role in this situation, cuz id like... iight i think u see what im sayin. lol
But all in all... i love this blog!
lol thnks yall
**thnks jasmin for the "ass nd titties" vid :-)
I knew it! lol i introduced her to that jaunt! lol
love that oscar wilde quote... it's just like mine but... with bigger words... and shit lol
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