So here is december... pretty much the end of my first semester of college...
there's a lot that i think i have learned in these past 3 almost 4 months...
at first i was not enjoying my experience here, but i have realized that this is a growing experience and im learning. being here, god-willingly, will make me a better person. not only academically and intellectually but in my time here i think i am maturing.. i am learning about the world that i have always watched under the protection of my parents. yea, BC isn't the world, but it's a portion of it.. and im here.. alone.. and im growing...
so in celebration of this new realization of growth and the end/ survival of my first semester of college EVERRR lol, i am going to do a little mini series about the things i have learned more about here at BC
newhoo here is the first article i guess you can first i was not enjoying my experience here, but i have realized that this is a growing experience and im learning. being here, god-willingly, will make me a better person. not only academically and intellectually but in my time here i think i am maturing.. i am learning about the world that i have always watched under the protection of my parents. yea, BC isn't the world, but it's a portion of it.. and im here.. alone.. and im growing...
so in celebration of this new realization of growth and the end/ survival of my first semester of college EVERRR lol, i am going to do a little mini series about the things i have learned more about here at BC
I thought that coming to college would mean that I would have the ginormous groups of friends and we'd be super tight by the time Thanksgiving came around...
Now looking back, I realize that it was silly of me to think that that would happen, when all the times before that I have enjoyed the company of a few close friend...
I came here and I can say that I "acquainted" with everyone. We'd chill, eat together, go to class together, go out together.. It was fun. but it still didn't have that "college bestfriends" feeling to me..
Soon everyone was grouping off into the "friendship-groups" lol. And although I felt as is I could hang out and chill with anyone here at BC, I never felt that genuine click with anyone.. and it bothered me because I didn't understand how everyone had found their bestfriends and I still hadn't...
I didn't comprehend how someone could meet another person and all of a sudden become their bestfriend.. like in just a month... for me tight friendships like that had to be developed over time.. iono...
Soo.. i have had an epiphany...
I'm not like everyone else... So there for I going to go about things differently..
So when people found their "BFFL" in a month.. I found my real friends in three.. and even then, nothing is ever certain..
NEWHO.. i found some people at BC that i truely care for... and ima miss then MUCHO GRANDE come winter breakk :-(
and if you still haven't found those "friends" don't stress it... it will come in time..
Quote timee: "The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life" -Edward Everett Hale
2 people left me some shugga!:
i love this post...and that quote! I completely agree with u on the friends subject tho... and trust me, ive had a lil trouble finding my close friends too... but i think i have... my real friends, not jus the ppl i say hey to that are in some classes, but the ones who are always and will always be there for me in my time of need! Im glad u found ur real friends tho!
i think a lot of times esp. here at BC it seems like ppl are tighter than they actually are... others knew each other before college like erica and alyssa.. me leah and tiff... and that may be reasoning for it... those programs like OTE and CTP have ppl like P and Tati tight... but the rest of them...
girl you'd be surprised... actually you and i had this discussion..
people aren't as tight as you think they are..
you aren't missing out on anything but backstabbing.
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