What SHE Gotta Do Wit Me?!?!

I am usually completely against infidelity. I mean I still am. But for the first time in my life I'm seein it from the perspective of the other woman. Dunn Dunn Dunn!
"here we go yo, here we go yo, so what's, so what's the scenario"
Say so and so just found out that the dude she's been seeing [on campus] actually has a long term girlfriend [back home]. What attitude should so and so have? Well usually I'd say so and so should stop talking to him. I mean she wouldn't want to be in the dudes girlfriend right. Treat others how you wanna be treated. Golden rule right?
But in actuality, so and so did nothing wrong.
He lied and said he didn't have s girlfriend. Should finding out that he was lying change her behavior? I mean he lied for a reason. What SHE gotta do wit so and so?
Girls are just as bad as guys these days.
Say you were the 'girlfriend back home'.. you can't be mad at so and so because so and so is just doing what you'd do in that position [since the dude lied]. Girls are ruthless anyway. It's true.
But at the end of the day its on the nigha.
Girls get mad at girls over this shit...
but he's playing you BOTH!
Botha y'all need to drop his ass like hot...
i can't think of a good simile..
all i know is
lol i need to go to sleep.
I am usually completely against infidelity. I mean I still am. But for the first time in my life I'm seein it from the perspective of the other woman. Dunn Dunn Dunn!
"here we go yo, here we go yo, so what's, so what's the scenario"
Say so and so just found out that the dude she's been seeing [on campus] actually has a long term girlfriend [back home]. What attitude should so and so have? Well usually I'd say so and so should stop talking to him. I mean she wouldn't want to be in the dudes girlfriend right. Treat others how you wanna be treated. Golden rule right?
But in actuality, so and so did nothing wrong.
He lied and said he didn't have s girlfriend. Should finding out that he was lying change her behavior? I mean he lied for a reason. What SHE gotta do wit so and so?
Girls are just as bad as guys these days.
Say you were the 'girlfriend back home'.. you can't be mad at so and so because so and so is just doing what you'd do in that position [since the dude lied]. Girls are ruthless anyway. It's true.
But at the end of the day its on the nigha.
Girls get mad at girls over this shit...
but he's playing you BOTH!
Botha y'all need to drop his ass like hot...
i can't think of a good simile..
all i know is
lol i need to go to sleep.
4 people left me some shugga!:
U must be butter cause ur on a roll.... now i should... but umm yea so and so is stupid, her way of thinking is logical, but she has no repect for her self or the other girl. The Nigha is just doing him, sadly. So 85% Nighas fault and so and so get 15%. I need some sleep to. So and So, should reavluate her life is she is willing to be the other girl.
that's what i would think too... initially... but the side of so and so is interesting isn't it
so what im thinkin is that no... the gf shouldnt be mad at sas (so and so) UNLESS sas CONTINUES to mess with the lyin cheetin ass fb player... oh was that detail in the post...well anywhoo
no sas is not wrong thus far, but yes, finding out that he has a gf should change her perseption,attitude, and actions towards him...what does SHE have to do with SAS? their fuckin the same guy, thas what they have to do with eachother... ummm...did i miss anything? well hope this helps SAS!
I'd said get what you need outta him, cause he probably trying to do the same.. Idk.
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