
Melody Angel

So I'm watching MTV and some show called "P. Diddy's Starmaker" comes on and I noticed a familiar face (at least to me), Melody Angel. Now, I hardly watch MTV, especially Bad Boy Film presentations (i mean how many shows does the guy have), but i was watching "ABDC" and the show came on after. But I was really excited to see her on the show because I've been listening to her music for over two years. She is an indie musician with an old school voice, reminiscent of old Motown artists or more recently, Corinne bailey Rae in my opinion. Its great to see her somewhat succeeding because on her old youtube videos she receives nothing but good feedback, and the ever popular, "why aren't you signed?". However, seeing her on the show is a bit bittersweet, in the fact that you want her to make it, but no one lasts on Bad Boy Records.

Oh, and the show is terribly biased in my opinion, just thought I'd put that out there.

1 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

the -one- time i watched the show.. she was my favorite.