
Quote of the day.


“First of all, prostitutes, a lot of the times, have much cleaner pussy than regular girls.”

Words spoken from Jerz' own Joe Budden, the member of Slaughterhouse took some time out to break down to an associate of his that paying for sex isn't as bad as some people try and make it. If anything, paying for sex eliminates all of the pressures that come from trying to chase the girl or even maintaining a relationship and dealing with the emotional pressure.

“It's the bitches job to fuck. You don't think that bitch is taking care of her pussy?”

Budden even threw it in the air that having a prostitute is nothing that is based on income or something that is only done by middle to low class people within America.

“Everybody in the world has paid for ass…Sometimes when you are in situations like this and you are in your hotel room and you just want a quick nut without doing it yourself, you fucking call a fucking escort. She comes over and gives you the best whatever you had, you pay her and she exits. They way that girls in the real world are suppose to do, but they don't.”


1 people left me some shugga!:

Kenny F said...

HAHAHA funny shit..but in a way makes some sense...SLAUGHTERHOUSE!!!