

I've always said that being 'different' and 'unique' was an oxymoron, because everyone is trying to do it. I'm sure you can agree with that. If everyone is different, being different becomes the status quo. Well, I'd like to introduce you to six people who define unique. This people went to the extreme to modify their bodies and be different from others.

1.Eyeball Tattoo


3.3d Art Implants

4.Corset Piercings

5.Body Suspension

6.Tongue Bifurcation

What measures would you take to be different??
If you had to do one of the above things to your body, which would you chose?

2 people left me some shugga!:

Kenny F said...

imagine what i could do to a p*ssy with (#6) two tongues?? lol jkjk

but foreal these are nasty

Anonymous said...

i'm down with scarification. have a few friends that have done it and they say its not that bad...