Didnt see the first Janet post?? Click Here.
JANET! [the first and second] combined
From the dome of Anonymous on Friday, October 31, 2008 3 people left me some shugga!
Courage to Know [the third]
Almost as good as 'Livin' in Perfect Harmony' ALMOST
Today... is thursday [don't know what that means? Click Here]. Today.my class didn't take a field trip.. we discussed one of our readings.. which i didn't read but the discussion ended up REALLY good.
Let's set this one up with a video...
When I tell you, "A Doctor is coming to speak to our class today" what do you picture?
I don't know about you, but I picture a Caucasian male. Why when speaking of a doctor of any other race, we have to specify it? Why is Caucasian male the norm? Maybe doctor isn't the example for you but you get the point.
Today we talked about the underprivileged vs the over-privileged. The computer is telling me that's a typo.. Which brings me to one of my points... Everyone feels underprivileged. No one thinks they're over-privileged. In the workplace. It turns to an argument about Affirmative Action and things like that. But the point is... there have to be over-privileged people in order for those that are underprivileged to exist. Am I right?
This conversation got thick into the muck of race relations and i LOVED it. This was SO my topic to speak on. Boston College is, in essence, a predominantly white school. Many people may think that this is the reason that blacks tend to associate with blacks and that whites do the same but the truth is, it's a matter of class.
I realized a few weeks ago, the reason I only hang out with black people is not only because we are of the same cultural background but it's also because white people have never heard of a Dollar Store. And the only black people that do hang out with the white people have something in common with them: money.
Walking onto this campus, you're surrounded by a plethora of name brands. Everywhere you turn. Name brands I've never even heard of! or Seen! It's quite intimidating for someone like me who could care less about the name on my jeans, to try to approach females with their coach rainboots.
What I didn't realize is I'm not the only victim in this situation. One of my classmates, who is African American, is the daughter of the man who started Black Enterprise. If you didn't know, Black Enterprise is a magazine, website, that is quote: "The ultimate source of wealth creation". It strives to better African Americans state of wealth, and help them start businesses and things like that. You can imagine, she has money. She described to me how she felt coming to BC. She wanted to make African American friends but she feels just as intimidated as we do. Because she is afraid as being categorized as stuck up or boogie or sahditty [thats for you b.coles].
How do we bridge the gap?
I feel like in order to find things you have in common with people and things like that.. you have to get past the fear and intimidation and just do it. What's the worse that can happen? And if something drastic happens... you can blog about it!!
I challenge all BC students reading this to like.. introduce yourself to someone new.. Like a stuck up white girl friend.. And comment about your experience.
Rich Black Girl also talked about how she was intimidated by the fact that it looked like we all already knew each other and had our own groups of friends and things like that. It's very true but there's a reason for it.
Boston College feels the need to tend to minorities by creating programs and retreats and activities for them. There are so many events for black ppl, and spanish ppl, events that happen before you even accept to the school. If you are placing us in all of these programs with each other, how do you expect us to branch out? The black people are going to be the only people we know! It's alread bad enough that the poorer are generally intimidated by the rich. But to worsen it, BC makes us feel handicapped, 'special' compared to everyone else. How are we supposed to feel good enough?
I also think that the white people at this school get a really bad representation of african americans.. I'm not saying we're dead beats but.. what i am saying is... every african american here is either an athlete, on a dance team, or a singing troup. It just fits the stereotype that we can jump, dance and sing. I mean its crazy. Sometimes I feel like a little dancing monkey in a cage. I feel like all of the white people I know and talk to, ask me to dance for them or teach them my moves and it's like.. I'm so much more than that.. not just your exhibit A.
Thing is they fit their stereotypes too!!... But if we are all just going to have presumptions about people than why shouldn't we act the way people expect? If BC is going to take 200 dollars out of everyones meal plan, assuming that much will be stolen, than why shouldn't we steal.. 200 dollars worth of goods??
I really wanted to put up the scene from crash with Ludacris and Larenz Tate but I couldnt find a good version... it's the first scene in this montage.. it's low quality but you'll get the idea
There are some really good quotes and good scenes in this movie.. if you have never seen it please watch it within the next 24 hrs... Click Here to see some quotes...
Anthony: You see any white people in there waiting an hour and thirty two minutes for a plate of spaghetti? Huh? And how many cups of coffee did we get?
Peter: You don't drink coffee and I didn't want any.
Anthony: That woman poured cup after cup to every single white person around us. Did she even ask you if you wanted any?
Peter: We didn't get any coffee that you didn't want and I didn't order, and this is evidence of racial discrimination? Did you happen to notice our waitress was black?
Anthony: And black women don't think in stereo types? You tell me something man. When was the lat time you met one who didn't think she knew everything about your lazy ass? Before you even open your mouth, huh?
Anthony: Look around! You couldn't find a whiter, safer or better lit part of this city. But this white woman sees two black guys, who look like UCLA students, strolling down the sidewalk and her reaction is blind fear. I mean, look at us! Are we dressed like gang-bangers? Huh? No. Do we look threatening? No. Fact, if anybody should be scared around here, it's us: We're the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white people, patrolled by the triggerhappy LAPD. So you tell me, why aren't we scared?
Peter: Because we have guns?
Anthony: You could be right.
The only think i dislike is Ludacris... who plays Anthony ALWAYS has to be the victim.. especially in that Bus scene...
Anyway, its kind of like what I said in Livin' In Perfect Harmony [didn't read it? click it!] about the athletes. And how if we are going to automaticall assume that all athletes are going to be assholes that screw you over, why shouldn't they all act like ass holes that screw you over..
When people make assumptions doesn't it just make you want to do whatever they assume you're going to do? Like how the guy on the elevator in the first video wanted to snatch her purse?
We shouldn't. Because we are only making it worse. We should strive to be different. Not typical black people. Most of these white people at BC have never been at a place so diverse [diverse here means 6percent minorities].. We have to prove the stereotypes wrong for their sake. All they can see is that black people can jump, sing and dance.
It's really sad.
Any other suggestions to change the presumptions?
Let's end it with a little clean fun... Katt
I love his effin dance baseball bowling and basketball paaahahah
oh and if you have time give my brother blog a hit..
theres a really good series about shy guys happening...
Here's the link.
From the dome of Anonymous on Thursday, October 30, 2008 4 people left me some shugga!
Tags: boston college, football, hell no, i hate, race, truth, videos
Dropping A Load [the third]
*The Poopie List*
ghost poopie: the kind where your feel the poopie come out, but there is no poopie in the toilet
clean poopie: the kind where you poopie it out, see it in the toilet, but when you wipe... there is nothing on the toilet
paperwet poopie: the kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels unwiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and your underwear so you won't ruin them with stains
second wave poopie: this happens when you're done poopie-ing and you've pulled your pants up to your knees, and... OH! you realize you have to poopie some more
pop-a-vein-in-your-forehead poopie: the kind where you strain so much to get the poopie out, you practically have a stroke
lincoln log poopie: the kind of poopie that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the toilet brush
gassy poopie: it's so noisy, that everyone within earshot is giggling... including you... and your poopie.
drinker's poopie: the kind of poopie you have the morning after a long night of drinking. it's most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet
corn poopie: self explanatory
gee-i-wish-i-could poopie: the kind where you want to poopie but all you do it sit on the toilet and fart a few times
wet cheeks poopie aka the power dump: the kind that come out so fast and so heavy that your butt cheeks get splashed with water
the dangling poopie: this poopie refuses to drop in the toilet even though you are done poopie-ing it, you just hope that a shake or two will cut it loose.
the surprise poopie: you're not even at the toilet because you sure that you are about to fart, but OPPS! it a poopie!!
I personally enjoy the wet cheeks poopie... the splash of water in my crack is like... those toilets in france or watever that clean your butt for you pahahaha...
What kind of poopie have you had lately??
I haven't done this since the first 'Dropping A Load' article... [didn't read it? click it!] But I'm going to drop a mental load right quick...
A lot of you guys were wondering why I decided to write Livin' In Perfect Harmony and honestly like I'm tryina branch out... And yet again, Jaz has ANOTHER crush....
From the dome of Anonymous on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1 people left me some shugga!
Obama the Anti-Christ??
When Satan comes as the beast he will have so much power and authority that the whole world will marvel. Almost everyone in the world will worship the beast.
“And all the world marveled and followed the beast.” Revelation 13:3
He will come as Allah or Imam Mahdi to the Muslims, Maitreya Buddha to the Buddhists, Jesus Christ to the Christians, Krishna to the Hindus, Messiah to the Jews, Saoshyant to the Zoroastrians, the “Dark Lord” to satanists, and so on through the whole list of 666 names. His goal is to win the worship and allegiance of every person on earth.
The beast will speak in a melodious voice and he will have friendly, loving eyes. He will be gentle and kind. His appearance will dazzle and charm people. He will be extremely powerful.
"13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast." Revelation 13:13-14
Almost everyone in the world will get the mark of the beast. There are many reasons why people will choose to get the mark, chief among them is that they will be allowed to buy food, water, medicine and clothes. They will be able to work and get paid. Humanly speaking, getting the mark of the beast will be the logical, sane, safe, smart thing to do. This could well refer to rejecting political correctness and having society come down on you, so that you can't keep a job.
"16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17
When Jesus was on earth, He had 12 disciples. When the Beast/Satan is on earth, claiming to be God, he will have 12 leading demons with him. There will also be millions of demons who come to earth at the same time as the first beast and the second beast of Revelation 13. Many of these demons will pretend to be angels from heaven.
After Satan and his demons have been on earth for a few months the two demons pretending to be the prophets Moses and Elijah will force people to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. They will enforce the mark of the beast. The demon who is pretending to be Elijah will call down fire from heaven to prove that the beast is God.(George Soros?) The demon who is pretending to be Moses will work miracles to prove that the beast is God.(One of the Beast's backers?)(Oprah?)
Has he arrived yet? Yes, he is here with us now. Please listen carefully to his words and test everything he says against the Bible.
“These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11
His present cleverness has people asking already if he is the Messiah. Many have received his mark the world over, and many more will accept it in the coming months.
The prophecy is now in the beginning of being fulfilled. Hell has come to earth.
that person wasn't saying obama was the anti-christ, they were just posting the description as is in Revelations...
Here's what another Obama-Hater had to say....
John Cox wrote:
1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the United States,a
country he claims to serve but betrays.)
2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 12 African husbands and
3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices
the Islamic religion, prays Friday’s facing Mecca)
4.- He will make himself the most powerful man on earth, if elected, Mabus will be his name.
5.- He will try to destroy the Jewish People and Israel,the nature of the Beast is to hate Israel(
Obama has said he loves Arabs specially
Palestinians, hates Israel and Jews. Admires Hitler, Osama etc)
6.- He will present himself as good and righteous but in fact he's Satan himself. Famine,
destruction,Violence and Murder is in his heart
7.- Obama will help Iran and Al Qaida in their evil projects of destruction.
8.- Barack Hussein Obama is the “King of the South” predicted in the Bible.(Daniel .11, Kenya is south
of Jerusalem)
9.- Obama comes to implant Muslim Sharia Law upon America. Sharia is the Law of Slavery for Humanity.
It's the opposite of Freedom.
10.- Obama will enslave American women forever with Sharia Law. Hijab and burkas will cover their
11.-Mabus will finish his term on 2012,predicted by the Mayas to be the end of the world.
12.- Mabus will use Mind Control to obtain control of the ignorant masses, only those who read this
note will be free from his mental hold.
13.-Mabus has come to destroy the finest country in the world, America. Mabus has come to steal your
soul and your children's souls. He brings famine, plagues, Nuclear war, race war, and the total
destruction of America.
It's written and will come to pass, Mabus will try to be your King and destroy the world with nuclear
weapons but his first attack will be against Israel and the Jewish people. The beast 666 hates G-d's
chosen people.
Obama is the Anti-Christ, beware of him and don't let you be deceived by Him.
Supporters of Obama: 1.5 billion Muslims, Oprah, Louis Farrakanh, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all
American Muslims.
This time is your turn to suffer America, the next 4 years will be pure hell if Mabus becomes your
Have you ever seen the movie Left Behind??
Thats my ish.
You should really watch them if you've never seen them.
It's one of those Christian, fear-God movies.. but it's actually good.
Here's a trailer..
Did you see the blonde guy towards the end? He's the antiChrist in that movie..
From the dome of Anonymous on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 4 people left me some shugga!
Tags: barack obama, shit
Livin' In Perfect Harmony
Love, relationships maybe some sex. You know, all that good stuff. I have a couple topics I want to discuss that have been heavy on my mind. These include, biracial couples, dating people with heavy accents, or dating a person that primarily speaks another language. I also want to hit the topics of liking the idea of someone verse actually liking them. That will also include someone having potential verse someone having something special. And last but def. not least.. dating athletes... Let's get it.
Bi-Racial Couples
He better get it.
I have no problem with bi-racial couples. Matter fact, I want to marry an Asian man so my kids can look like Amerie. no suh, see that's the problem right there. I feel like some ghetto black broads date outside their race because they want their kids to have good hair and a nice complexion. I don't know about you but, that pisses me the fvck off. If you were to date outside your race, what would be your reasoning??
I know for me, I am actually attracted to guys of a lot of different races. I don't know how people can straight up say.. I only talk to white girls or I only talk to black and Spanish guys like.. You never know what is gonna appeal to your eye. And you def. never know what's gonna appeal to your heart. My roommate is always talking about how theres no such thing as liking only light skin black boys or only liking dark skin black boys. And she's right, maybe you usually pull light skin black boys or they catch your eye first but eventually there will be a dark skin boy that you find absolutely gorgeous. You can't limit yourself.
And I try not to limit myself but... It's like guys outside my race(s) don't take me seriously. We've all been through it. You approach a group of your caucasian associates and they all start trying to 'act black' "What's Up DAWG!" and they try to dap you up.. Or they try to 'act black' by saying "Shooot" or "Girrrrrl" and it's like you don't have to change they way you act because a black person has approached you. It pisses me off yo. Because what if I was genuinely interested in you. I can't even get past that interest because you feel like you can't be yourself, or have to be someone else when you're around me. Are black girls just too unapproachable? or intimidating?
Hell, sometimes I feel intimidated. A lot of people stick with their culture group. Hispanics tend to date hispanics [and stay with them forever] asians usually date asians.. And when I have a genuine attraction for either a hispanic guy or an asian guy I feel like even if they are being themselves around me, they'd never take it past the friendship level to anything serious because I'm not hispanic or asian or cape verdean. Is this true? Honestly with the hispanic and asian aspect of it.. Sometimes I feel inferior to the hispanic and asian females I'm 'competing' against [for lack of better words]. They're beautiful. Can a hispanic or asian guy see beauty in me, even though I'm not hispanic or Asian??
Maybe they think the same thing that I think about them. Maybe they're afraid that I don't date out of my culture. But hell, I don't know how anyone can look at me and say that. I'm mixed with so many things. Geez. Do you guys think I could bag a Hispanic or Asian guy tho?? How do I know if he's taking me seriously?
It shouldn't be about this. right? Like, we should like people for what they are inside and all that corny junk. But the truth is, attraction is the first step. I don't care what anyone says, relationships with people you aren't attracted to DON'T WORK! I've been there, tried that.
All of these black and white people dating each other are the beginning of a melting pot and soon enough everyone should be able to date everyone but right now I'm still intimidated when it comes to approaching a Hispanic or Asian guy.
I've always straight up said if I found a black guy with a British accent panties would drop immediately, not literally but you get the point. I think British accents are soooo HOT! And French guys with nice bods and long hair are hot too.. So I started making the generalization that guys with accents were hot. Boy, was I wrong.
Over the past few weeks, I have encountered two new accents. I met a kid from the Ivory Coast whose accent was mixed with a Boston accent and it was just... strange.
I also met a kid from Nigeria and it was just... gross..
What sucks is, they were both very attractive males but I couldn't get past the accent.
Am I shallow?
The fact that I can't get past something on the outside? I mean it's almost the same as the people that don't date outside their race or complexion. I don't date outside my accent with the exception of a hot British guy.
Would you be embarrassed of a guy or girl with a gross accent? Like, in public.
It's almost the same as dating a straight guy that's kind of.. flamboyant. You'd be a little embarrassed. Or dating a guy that couldn't dress... at all.
What's acceptable and what isn't. What do I need to get over and what requirements do I keep?
And seriously, am I shallow?
Different Language

This also goes back to the bi-racial thing and like how.. people of the same cultures tend to associate with each other. If you aren't a part of that culture and like, your boyfriend brings you to a family event or to like the meeting for the Korean club like, how do you know if people are talking shit when they're speaking Korean? Can I just state a fact, if you and the significant other don't speak the same language at all, it's not going to work, period. But I'm talking about if the other person speaks say, Spanish to his roommates or most of his friends. Wouldn't you feel left out?? Wouldn't it just make your insecurities worse or create concerns??
This isn't about language but like... How do you deal with it when you're significant other is like.. really nice ...to everyone. Opens doors, carries things, tutors, touches that spot on their lower back [not too high where it's just friends but not too low where it's I just want some ass. Hitch anyone?]. And how do you deal with it when all of his friends... that he's nice too... are GORGEOUS and awesome... Lol. I guess you just have to trust the fact that.. he's with you right. Meaning he made a choice to be with you.. when he could have chosen her. Right? Then why do guys cheat? Or have things on the side? Like, don't make it official if you have other prospective bun joints. Because once you make that commitment.. I'm trusting that you chose me. Right?
Liking Someone VS Liking the Idea of Them
I could argue about this topic for hours but basically, we all have an ideal girlfriend or boyfriend in mind right... Like I want my husband to be taller than me with my heels on.. Nice body, humorous, relationship with God, into performance, visual and fine arts, in touch with his emotions, confident, etc. So when I find someone that meets my criteria, I think I like them but really.. I just like the idea of them..
Someone that fits your criteria has potential.. Having potential doesn't mean that he's the one. It means he fits the criteria and he's convenient... There is a certain 'it' factor that one must have to be the one. He could also have 'it' and not have potential. There could be something about him that draws me in yet he could have a girlfriend, or dress weird, or be short.
My problem is deciding whether or not I actually like someone, or if I just like the idea of them. Do you have to like the idea of someone BEFORE you begin to like them?
I don't think so. I think you have to like the idea of someone before you get into a relationship with them but I don't think liking the idea of someone is a prerequisite for just liking them. I have liked the idea of a few people at BC but no one has 'it' yet. I've even begun to like some people that I like the idea of but still not 'it' factor. Am I wasting my time if I entertain these 'it'-less guys? Or should I just wait until I find someone with the 'it' factor??
Dating Athletes
you guys remember my article about dating freshman... I feel like when it comes to dating athletes, everyones the Freshmen.
Why do we classify athletes in such a separate category? Have their actions given themselves this rep or have our assumptions of them forced them to act this way?
I feel like I came to college with this huge mentality that every male athlete was going to be an asshole.. I feel like there are definitely a few male athletes that have proved me right but I also feel like I am witnessing the transformation.
Some of them start off as nice guys, but when bitties with raging hormones get athlete-happy what do they expect? To get treated like a lady? Oh yeah, here's my pussy on a platter. Athlete: no, no I can't accept that. YEAH RIGHT! It grows to the point that they expect pussy on a platter, from every female.. because SOO many females are handing it over. And when you're that girl that's like.. Suck your dick? What?! Nigha, hell no! You think he's an asshole because of how he approached you. And yes, i agree, he was out of place but, what did you expect when every other female is like "I'll do whatever you liike". Are there any athletes that don't transform?? Or are they all bound to be assholes...
By the way, as friends a lot of them are madd cool but I'm talking about relationship wise.
I asked a lot of questions..
So here they are conveniently posted again for your convenience lol.
You don't have to answer like all of them or anything, you don't get a grade for this or anything. I'm just interested in what other people think about this...
*1*If you were to date outside your race, what would be your reasoning?
*2*Are black girls just too unapproachable? or intimidating?
*3*Can a hispanic or asian guy see beauty in me, even though I'm not hispanic or Asian?
*4*Do you guys think I could bag a Hispanic or Asian guy tho?
*5*How do I know if he's taking me seriously?
*6*Am I shallow?
*7*What requirements are acceptable and what aren't. What do I need to get over and what requirements do I keep?
*8*If the other person speaks say, Spanish to his roommates or most of his friends. Wouldn't you feel left out?? Wouldn't it just make your insecurities worse or create concerns??
*9*How do you deal with it when you're significant other is really nice to all of his friends that are gorgeous and awesome?
*10*He made a choice to be with you.. when he could have chosen her. Right? Then why do guys cheat? Or have things on the side?
*11*Do you have to like the idea of someone BEFORE you begin to like them?
*12*Am I wasting my time if I entertain these 'it'-less guys? Or should I just wait until I find someone with the 'it' factor??
*13*Why do we classify athletes in such a separate category? Have their actions given themselves this rep or have our assumptions of them forced them to act this way?
*14*Are there any athletes that don't transform?
Totally forgot to ask about sex with people from other races and cultures... what's it like? is it much different? anyone have any crazy sex stories with people of other cultures? You can be anonymous if you want.
And if you haven't read season of love... please do.. you can click it..
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 5 people left me some shugga!
Tags: boston college, boys, football, guys, hell no, hurt, i hate, love, sex, shit, truth, women
Granny's Emails [the second]
she took me back to my roots.. well a fraction of my roots...
look at this document..

Never forget the price paid for where you stand today..
This used to be our resume...
What must it feel like?
To carry the hopes and dreams of an entire race of people on your shoulders?

Remember to vote guys...
November 3rd has been marked the worldwide day to fast and pray for
Barack Obama between Noon and 1:00pm; giving up one meal for the day.
Instead of eating, pray for the following three things:
1.Pray for the Hand of God to move in a mighty way over this
2.Pray that this election will be handled in a fair and honest
manner and in a way that pleases God
3.Pray for the protection of Obama and his family
[Note: If you are on medication and have to eat something during that
time, ask God to speak to your heart and tell you what to give up].
Mark your calendars for Nov 3rd and pass this email on to all Obama
From the dome of Anonymous on Sunday, October 26, 2008 0 people left me some shugga!
Tags: barack obama, grandma
Check this out...
My home boy S-Diggy put me on...
Foreign Exhange feat. Muhsinah - Daykeeper
I miss this song..
And hearing it today was grrreat.
Mmm... mmmm. mmmm...
You know what other songs make me wanna say mm mmm mmmm??
You might recognize this next one at first but give it like into 45 seconds and you'll be like OHHHHHHH!
Is it horrible that I knew this next one before I ever saw Love and Basketball?
I always get so contemplative when I listen to this next one.. it's not a sexy one but it's just real cool..
From the dome of Anonymous on Friday, October 24, 2008 2 people left me some shugga!
Tags: foreign exchange, music, shit
10 Things I Hate....
I ate breakfast for once..
I didn't fall asleep in any of my classes.. [[big ups]]
Did some major Office episode catching up wit my man S-Diggy...
Did karaoke to Temptations in the dining hall...
Wasn't sore..
Got out of practice early....
And then.
It went downhill..
Something about my entire mood just took a turn. Maybe it was the
swelling of my shins.. Maybe it was the lonely trek back to upper
campus... Or maybe.. just maybe it was the fact that.. I try..
I try so hard. I make efforts to spend time with ppl, to catch up, to
make arrangements. I consider others when I have free time but like..
yo... if you're busy... let me know... respond to my text with a, 'yeah
I'm out of practice but yadda yadda yahh'. Don't just.. NOT respond at
all and let me walk in to the dining hall and see ya ass right there...
Where you could have easily... just simply.. returned my text... And
then people wonder why I don't hit them up when I'm on lower campus.
Nigha, make yourself available to me sometimes. Its a two way street..
I'm not about to be breakin my back to spend time wit NObody. Its not
worth it.
Did I get chopped and screwed??
Remember my last courage to know blog? [ill link it later] Where at the
end I described that the cherry on the sundae was seeing himm in the
quad? That's who I'm talking about. And yeah that's probably why my
sodium is like OD right now but still like.. u just don't do that and
his ass got caught that nigha aint expect to see me stroll up in the
diner on his ass.. tried to pretend he was still in practice. nigha
who's next?...
lol. ok so that's one thing I hate... you know what else I hate?? I hate
when I'm in the middle of a conversation and someone like pulls the
person I'm talking to away from me. Not even saying like.. can I borrow
so and so for a second? I mean literally walking up and like yanking
them away. And the worse ones are when you were by yourself talking to
this person.. then they get yanked and you're stuck in that 'wait a
second'-dumbfounded mode for like a good 3 seconds before you actually
walk away... yeah I hate that.. so rude. ESPECIALLY when the person that
does the yanking is not someone you're fond of...
You know what yall... I'm in that complaining mood so lets just go down
the line..
8 things I hate in general:
[[it was last minute idea so I don't have 10 for yall, unless you want a
repeat of muffin tops]]
1) when people don't respond to texts and they could
por ejemplo my long draw out story above
2) when people yank away the person you're talking to
3)food in teeth AND NO ONE TELLS YOU...
hell if I have something in my teeth yall better let me know. don't be
scared! shit! even if its as small as the little seeds in strawberries!
yank my ass to the side and be like.. Jasmin.. you better get it (that's
for KnowDat and Leah).. Especially if its broccoli..
4)lint on clothes GET A LINT BRUSH..
my nigha, duct tape. if u don't have a lint brush u better get some duct
tape and call it a effin day. I even used scotch tape once like.. don't
walk out the house with something linty on... atleast make an effort to
remove the lint from the clothing. can I get an amen?
5)crooked paintings
ok this might be my OCD. yall know I'm OCD right? Its a mild case tho..
lemme give an example.. when I'm eating colored candies like skittles or
mike and ikes or something... I have to take them 2 at a time.. of the
same color.. one for each side of my mouth.. and I count the number of
times I swipe the deoderant stick and it has to be even.. everything has
to be even.. especially crooked paintings. doesn't it bother you like..
6)sarah palin
I'm so happy her ass got tackled
7)lipstick on teeth
this is just bad as the food in teeth like.. let a sista know if her
lipstick is on her teeth... especially if she's laughin and carryin on
like that shits cute.. no... don't let her do it man.. or what she needs
is that ever last tipe joint that lasts all day or whatever. hell who
even uses lipstick anymore?!? [other than boston colleges marching band
dance team GOT EM] hell I don't even use lip GLOSS I take my chapstick,
carmex or vaseline [its gettin cold outside yall better invest in some]
and call it a day! holla!
8)the ush bush
can I just say... if u are in college.. hell if you are in highschool.
and your hair isn't already long... don't try to grow it out now.. IT IS
TOO LATE don't do it. That's what middle school was for.. the ush bush
is that inbetween stage.. when a guys hair is too long to be attractive
yet too short to do anything with and it is the absolute worse
hairstyle... well it comes in third to the rat tail and the mullet...
but like, all the football players here and like tryina grow out there
hair. nighas wit naps are tryina grow an inch and get it to curl up like
bobby valentino.. nigha no... no no no.
And can I just say..
I don't HATE pumpkin pie. But like.. it just doesn't compare to sweet
potatoe pie and.. people get it TWISTED!
Sent from .:JaZz0:.'s T-Mobile Sidekick®
From the dome of Anonymous on Thursday, October 23, 2008 3 people left me some shugga!
Tags: afro, boys, bush, i hate, love, pie, sarah palin, shit, stupid
this one goes out to my nigha iGoon, who doesn't believe girls take shits.
I try so hard to rescue these people.
The fact that I lock the door to the co-ed bathroom is out of courtesy, for them.
So that they won't have to experience my stench.
But sometimes I don't make it to the co-ed bathroom.
Sometimes I am forced to utilize the exclusively female stalls.
I notice so many things while I'm in there.
First off, in my first Hiney Hider [didn't read it? click it!] I discussed how inaffective Hiney Hiders are at literally hiding hinies. Not only is that inaffective but the actual LOCKs don't work half the time. So when there are four stalls, one is stopped up, one doesn't lock. How man stalls are left? DO THE MATH. TWO. And then if I take one to take a shit that leaves one and it leaves me extremely noticeable.
Another thing I've observed is some people have problems.
This might be a little weird but the girl in the stall next to me... it just seemed like she was peeing incorrectly or having trouble or something because it was like.. stagnant. She hasn't been messin' around on campus but maybe here boyfriend has been messin' around and she's burnin'.
Some people make some really strange sounds when they brush their teeth. They sound bulimic. Like they are literally throwing up, coughing up every meal they had that day. It sounds soo painful like they are scraping every bit of mucus from their throat.
Overall, using the exclusive female bathroom makes for a very unpleasant shit taking experience.
Lesson Learned: Stick to the co-ed joint with the lock... or bring an iPod.
This part is kinda for the ladies.
Like yo, when it's that time of the month I hate the process like.. taking a shower having to bring your shit, yet having discard your old shit or the wrapper for the new shit. It's too much and it's so frustrating. Anyone agree?
And for all you Hiney Hider haters..
I know you like to think your ish don't stank but,
lean a lil closer. see? roses really smell like boo-boo-oo-ooo.
Roses really smell like boo-boo-oo-ooo.
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3 people left me some shugga!
Tags: boston college, i hate, shit, women
For the ladies.
Corbin Bleu has alwasy been good looking. I don't care what anyone says. But something about his femininity had always been a turn off. But now, Corbin Bleu has changed. Something about him has masculinity. I think it's the facial hair.
Like tell me there's not something about the facial hair that makes you wanna smack this b.
And look he's on a motorcycle. How effin HAWT is that?
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3 people left me some shugga!
Tags: corbin bleu, love, shit
Season of Love
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3 people left me some shugga!
I Just Have to Say Thank You.
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1 people left me some shugga!
Tags: grammar, rape, sex, the office, women
Granny's E-mails [vol i]

Those were a few pics from totallylookslike.com
Yeah, grandma told me about that one.
You get the point they compare celebs to animals, cartoons, other celebs, etc.
i thought those were the best ones out of the email she sent/
Next Grandma wanted to show me that
So I don't know who compiled this list..
It gave me a good laugh..
You'll see why at the end.
My comments are in this gray color.
The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is
the male sperm.
[[We knew that]]
It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach.
[[...o...k... that was... dull]]
One human hair can support 3 kg (6 lb).
[[then why do it be breakin off so much? psh. bs.]]
The average man's penis is three times the length of his thumb.
Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.
[[THUNDA THIGHS! teehehe]]
A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.
[[Maybe that's why we fall faster =( ]]
There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.
[[GROSS, see this is why i hate feet]]
Women blink twice as often as men.
[[thats strange.]]
The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain.
[[o....k..... ur point? lol]]
Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.
[[have you seen that infomercial for the exercise tape
that helps you lose weight standing still or some shit
well.. maybe its tru]]
If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.
[[that sucks for indissolvable foods i guess]]
Men that read this are probably still busy checking their thumbs.
[[OR they're gonna check it later.
Matter fact, can I have a guy try it and
tell me if it's true
im curious
your response can be anonymous]]
I also got a nice video from grandma
All at the same time.
One pair of jeans.
I was very upset.
Oh also, I would like to know what you guys think about shoplifting...
and what do you think about guys that ask you to send them picture messages.. creeps? or...
From the dome of Anonymous on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 2 people left me some shugga!
Tags: clay aiken, grandma, jay leno, john kerry, laura bush, obama
and why am i just now finding out about
Serena Williams and Common?
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 2 people left me some shugga!
Tags: dumb, sarah palin, shit
Lollipop. You must mistake me for a SUCKA!
I think Britney got her groove back, ya'll.
What do you think?
I mean, how many times she gon' pull him by his tie tho?
I think she looked nice with red hair.
Her belly is definitly gone.
Do you think the nudity was too much?
I think it did the trick.
"Daddyo, you got the swagger of a champion. Too bad for you, you just can't find
the right companion."I never really responded to the comments on 10 Things I Hate About Fashion [didn't read it? click it!] but I'd just like to respond to Internet Goon and say I absolutely agree.. DON'T DO THE DURAG! The only exception is at night time, to keep the waves in tact. I have to say I doo like the high waisted jeans and scarves, though. Matter fact, I wore a scarf today! Why I wore it is a different blog in itself..
Before blogspot shuts down at 8,
I'm going to leave you guys with this...If you only see him when the street lights are on..
If he walks in front, or a far distance from you in the street...
If no one ever sees you guys together...
You are...
Man and Wife is madd funny.
You guys should watch it.
Oh and one [jk three] more thing(s)...
Look forward to more "10 things i hate about.." articles
I got a good response and a lot of things to hate on
so that's gonna become like.. a series
there's gonna be another series called
granny's emails
which are gonna be actual emails from my grandma
they are sooo good
i ALSO want you guys to read
Crucial Cuddling Time
[click it]
in preparation for another article of mine,
seasons of love.
yeah man..
im tryina do big things.
From the dome of Anonymous on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 3 people left me some shugga!
Tags: britney spears, dctobc, internet goon, womanizer
....to remember
I was watching A Walk to Remember this weekend [[Yeah, I was bawlin for those of you that read my FB status]] and it made me think of HeartBreak [<-don't know who heart break is? youcan click that].
I mean, I wasn't a lukemia diagnosed dork on my death bed but I was a homeless yet college bound student that had to move away. So, Jamie and I shared that 'limited time' aspect of everything. And also like Jamie, I had a bucket list[don't know what that is? click it].
Before I left Maryland, there were a bunch of things I wanted to do and he knew every single one of them. He was my best friend before he was anything else. He cared a lot about me.
For those of you that know me, you know I'm pretty corny. I wanted to do things like, go to one of those pottery painting places and have a picnic. He made them happen. For those eight days, he was at my service giving me the best-last week in Maryland as possible.
I'm starting to see now that he would have done these things even if we didn't have feelings for each other. And I think that's partially where I got mixed up. These weren't acts of courting or any type of chivalry it was plain-old assistance. He just was helping me with my to-do list, if you think about it. I mean, I hate to dumb it down to that but, it's true!
Especially, now that I see him doing these things on his own with her. I wanted to be what she is to him so bad. Maybe too bad.
"I find myself wishing that you'd want to love again when looking in my eyes, wishing that my smile makes you wanna do surprises..." "I find myself thinking I can somehow prompt this change, thinking I can somehow save you from your past pain...."
I don't think I had ever felt so certain about anything in my life. It was crazy, the signs were there. Ridiculous signs, things that happen in movies. Shit that someone would have to have written for it to be possible. I just can't get over the fact that the signs were somehow wrong.
I know before in 'I Figured it Out'[wanna read it? click it] I said that I was probably placed in his life to assist him in moving on from his ex but I just can't get over it like... There was something there. It was so fvcking... like... it was definitly there, there's no denying. Was it just convenience? I don't know.
He called me yesterday. And I just sat there staring at the phone lighting up playing my Gym Class Heroes ringtone
"she says she loves me but she comes and goes as she pleases; when the door shuts, its like another papercut and im stuck with a hand full of band-aids until she comes back around like the ceiling fan blades"
I can't answer the phone. I mean, I could. I just didn't feel like being fake at the moment. I didn't feel like faking a smile, faking a laugh, acting like everything was alright, breathing in to utter the words, "how's [[gf's name here]] doing? oh, that's good".
I also didn't want to answer while I was around people, sounding as if I'm having an effin blast. I don't want him to think I've moved on, like he's totally out the picture. Don't get me wrong I moved on with my life socially but I can't deny the daily cameo of him, of us, of our memories together that arrive in my mind.
I have to suck it up.
I have to realize that I just don't exist ::in that way:: with him anymore. But speaking to him, is so hard to do without automatically assuming that position. One of the biggest things is talking about music. Him telling me about new songs, me doing the same for him. That was something special between us and it just isn't the same.
I wish I never accepted his friend request. Having him appear on my news feed is so tempting. And as I glide my mouse to the link I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment. Like, i know what could be on the page but clicking it just finalizes it for me. It rubs it in as well. Why do I even do that to myself? I don't like crying.
I don't know how Neyo does it.
I haven't been able to utter 'congratulations'
[[cop his album btw.. good shit]]
"She's with somebody else and now all I can do is smile and fade into the background
I'll say congratulations and I'll fade into the background"
-neyo 'Fade Into the Background'
From the dome of Anonymous on Monday, October 13, 2008 1 people left me some shugga!