

We defy gravity blissfully escaping through space
gravity doesn't apply to you and me
we can float, weightless onto clouds
and here the stars are so close
our dreams are in our reach
here is almost heaven
happiness is so accessible
nothing can stop us
we are death defying immortals
we have forever to repent
not a worry, not a care, not a fear in the-
those earthly concerns don't apply up here.
where we are.
risk, danger, responsibilities.
Let's fly
down Route 30,
your hand on the wheel my hand out the window, wind blowing reality
Gravity doesn't apply to you and me.
They can't bring us down.
The hand of fate tried.
It appeared at the intersection, stared us in the eyes, blocked our view
of the 18-wheels coming towards us.
The hand of fate tried to take hold of us
and drive us down to earth.
The hand of fate succeeded.
Sent from .:JaZz0:.'s T-Mobile Sidekick®

1 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOO! yd it succeed?! Y? Y? Y? lol this is a really pretty poem jaz...did u write it? lol of corse!