
Honesty really IS the best policy

So when we were young, our parents always told us little values and morals to live by. You know... treat others as you want to be treated, clean up behind yourself, wipe your feet at the door, no elbows on the table, don’t talk with your mouth full, and the list could go on forever. I always tried my hardest to follow these rules of life, but i always had trouble with what may have been the most important one,
yeah, it was tough, and I was good. From a young age I would tell little white lies, no big deal (so I thought), but these white lies turned in to real lies and so on and so fourth...
from the age of like 7 until I was about 16...I used to lie my ass off! I wasn’t like, a habitual liar. I lied for good reasons, well there’s never a good enough reason to lie, but then, the reasons seemed good. And, the only person I really lied to on a regular basis was my mom. She was the only person i really NEEDED to lie to. But then I had an epiphany,
"Perhaps, if I don’t do things I KNOW I'm not supposed to do, I won’t have to lie about them"
I believe that it was a part of growing up. As I matured, I realized that I should tell the truth at all cost.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, to be honest, I still lie every now and then, but maybe like once or twice a week. But anywhoo, on to the point of the blog...
This morning I had another epiphany, I thought about how, as I matured, yes, I did learn the value of the truth and yes, I changed in a big way. However, it wasn’t until recently, like with in the past 2 weeks, that I REALLY realized that I shouldn’t lie.
Why you ask?
Because it doesn’t feel good to be lied to or to have information with held from you. It especially doesn’t feel good to be ignored or lead on, which isn’t necessarily a lie, but it falls under not telling the truth. I really just don’t understand why people don’t just tell the truth, I mean I understand it, but I wont condone it, nor will I advise it.
I am 18. I have endured, and resisted, peer pressure. I have graduated from high school. I have been in love. I have gotten my ass whopped on a many occasion when I was younger. I made it thru my 1st semester with 17 credits and a 3.81 gpa. I could still get my ass whopped, if I make the wrong move. I can buy cigarettes. I can go to the club. I can vote. I can claim myself as independent. I can get my full license (which I have).
All these things that I have done and can do, what makes you think that I can’t handle the truth? I simply don’t understand it. I really don’t like liars...and I absolutely despise being lied to. Anywhoo... I jus needed to vent a little bit. Thanks for reading.

Here's a song from pretty much my fav band... Evanescence, its called missing. It doesnt directly connect with the blog, but its pretty much how i feel right now.

1 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

wow i really thought this was mellow yello... good shit tho my nigha! never heard the evanescence joint tho but it rocks [as usual]