
been gone for a minit...

i know i know...u miss me...
this is guna be short as a mug too! 2 things i wana discuss...
1) The other night i was at a party and this girl was freakin this boy sumin' serious...wait...whats that bright light on her face... o its a fone. SHES TEXTING WHILE FREAKIN!!!! da ffffffk....i was tryna figure out how much coordination u gotta have to stay on beat and concentrate on texting...nut thats not the important part...i wonder how the boy felt...i guess as long as he was getin it in he aint care... but i mean dang...thats like doin math homework while havin sex! okay i syced it...but still...get it together... and it wasnt jus a answer like an okay, no, hol up, or NE thing like that...homegirl was havin a full blown convorsation! but anywhoo... NEXT
2) Is thinking a curse word the same as saying it?

Thanks Yall!

3 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

iigh so... im guilty..
ive definitely texted someone while dancing with someone lol...

and no thinking and saying it are not the same in my opinion because it is that very self control that makes the difference like.. being able to hold it in

B. Coles said...

mmm... thats a good point... and shame on you! lol

Miss Lindsay said...

hahaa, i'm freakin' you...but while i am i might as well do something else...lol