
whats ya name?

...yeah baby, whats ya numbaaaa.

yessuhh, yessuhh.

i'm back again boys and girls to write my second official article. what shall the topic be this time you ask!?


bagging.."booking"...GETTING SOMEBODYS NUMBER pretty much. and no, i dont mean getting a good friends number because you lost your phone or something..i mean getting holla'd at & giving them your number & vice versa for boys.

This is something that just about everybodyyy has to deal with. I mean going to parties, going to bars, going to clubs, shit..just walking down the street you might meet somebody, strike up a conversation, and the next thing you know your asking for their number/ giving out your number.

I mean, this is how relations are started, right? You meet somebody out somewhere, begin talking on the phone/texting or whatever, then start seeing each other in person and the next thing you know your tied down...right? or wrong? Does randomly meeting people & beginning to talk to them ever ACTUALLY lead to successful relationships? Or are the most successful relationships the ones that begin as actual friendships and then evolve? [please comment & respond]

For me personally, 2 of my 3 relationships were based of randomly meeting people, talking a little, exchanging numbers and then going on from there..and the other one was like a best friend turned boyrfriend. So, i guess i've been on the extremes of the spectrum, lol...but then again, currently i'm technically single and confused.

But lets get back to what i ACTUALLY wanted to talk about lol...

so let's say it's done. you've bagged/ have been bagged. THEN WHAT?! when do you begin texting? when do you begin calling?

I, personally, say ASAP. Now, I don't mean like as soon as they walk away, lol...but like later that night or the next day. This is because when I meet somebody and like them enough to actually give them my number, I wanna start talking to them almost immediately. I wanna learn more about them, what they like, what they don't, hobbies..u know, all that stuff while their picture is fresh in my mind. At most maybe 2 days later. Maybe i'm just impatient, but by the third or fourth day I've alredy kinda given up and shrugged them off.

But more important than the timing of the first text/call is the content of it. I mean, texting is pretty straightforward and easy to manage..but at the same time, any first conversation can run dry quickly. I mean, if you've already covered the basics like age, school, hobbies & shit when you first met..what the hell is there to talk about? The first guy I ended up dating through bagging called me the night I gave him my number (I met him at dunkin donuts that and somehow we ended up talking for like at least 2 was pretty much smooth sailing from there. The other had taken the VERY safe route and facebooked me first, and actually gave me HIS number...I texted him first, we started texting, and THEN after a while began to call.

My advice for the first phone call would be to start talking to them as if youve known them for awhile. you know, joke around..tell them something funny that had happened to you earlier..whatever it takes. Becuase as i've learned all too recently, it only takes about 4-5 minutes of dry& awkward conversation to convince you that the cutie you met a few days ago aint all that...and i feel that for most guys the time limit is even shorter.

ARRRIGHT, so to tie this baby together imma spit you a few songs.

aiight, this is pretty self explanatory & exactly what im talkin' about. it's usher bagging a chick...yummm.

Nobodys Home - Avril Lavigne

THIS, on the other hand has nothing to do with what i'm talking about. most people hear "skater boi" and "girlfriend" and absolutely dismiss avril lavigne. but with this song & other songs such as "with you" she's actually had some pretty powerful stuff...and recently i've been listening to a lot more of her old stuff & Pink's old's good.

&& lastly

Universal Mind Control feat. Pharrell Official Music Video - Common

...because it's amazing & i can't get it outta my head.

AIIGHT, peace son son.

<33333 mellow yellow.

3 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

i think you can def get into a relationship from bookin/baggin someone but.. i dont think theyre that succesful.. just my opinion...

and lol yeah i always tell dude something funny that happened to me on the first convo.. we're so alike..

and yes... for dudes you just met it only takes a minute or two to get scratched off the list ya dig...

usher tried to bag/ book my mom in a club parking lot one time... damn usher coulda been my daddy..
but den we woulda been on one of them talk shows for stepdad effin stepdaughter yikes.. lol

love that avril joint

and universal mind control has taken over my mind lol

nicely written

Soul*Star said...

i don't knowwwww i think i might have to disagree with you on this one miss walters lol
I personally haven't experienced a long term lasting and still going on relationship that started off with a "bag" BUT i do know many people who have.. and it's those relationships that i am soo jealous of.. BUT i think that these "bag-started" (lol) relationships only worked because these people realized that they needed to get to know each other on a informal/friendly bases while pursuing a relationship.. it's imperative that your spouse be you friend.. if not, then communication skills will lack... and we all know what happens when there is no communication in a relationship right?

love the post :-)


B. Coles said...

I know a lot of people that have had a good relationship of off a "bag"...i ignore them, when i can, so i havent had any but umm... i mean you gotta do what cha gotta do... lol
I love Avril...and pink
I also like that Usher jaunt... well the chorus took me a minit to get wit it but...yah
and that UMC jaunt rocks! Our cheerleading try out dance (in september) was to that song so it was stuck in my head a while ago lol