
Check this out...

My home boy S-Diggy put me on...

Foreign Exhange feat. Muhsinah - Daykeeper

I miss this song..
And hearing it today was grrreat.
Mmm... mmmm. mmmm...
You know what other songs make me wanna say mm mmm mmmm??

You might recognize this next one at first but give it like into 45 seconds and you'll be like OHHHHHHH!

Is it horrible that I knew this next one before I ever saw Love and Basketball?

I always get so contemplative when I listen to this next one.. it's not a sexy one but it's just real cool..

2 people left me some shugga!:

B. Coles said...

hmmm....good message...i think. lol it didnt really hold my attention. Ill try it out again later. I couldnt get down wit as of now.

S-Diggy said...

im boutta go watch em!!!
