
JANET! [the first and second] combined

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3 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

might I just say that i LUVVVV this.
actually sounds alil familiar
like sumtin i mite have jus been talkin bout wit my roommate???? lol
but anywayz i have most def had this feelin (as u already kno) MANY times
and im sure everybody had
ppl cant help but see that sumbody that makes them wanna melt and have absolutely no control over the things they begin to think or desire to do...its only natural...we're only human
lust and desire are things we cannot fight...although sumtimes we may be able to hide it...theres no way of fighting it
the only bad thing is if none of these desires are fulfilled..then u just continue to yearn and grow hungrier and more eager for it
but who cares?
its a good feelin lol

S-Diggy said...

goodness i thought you wrote this

shit is intense lmao

B. Coles said...

we are soooooo here (peace sign to the eyes) i i read the first stanza of ur poem, my mind reverted to tha time wen i made u listen to the words of the song as we sat in front of my house in the good times son...u gota stay here again next summer!