

Okay, so Sunday night I found out that my ex of two years, indeed, was cheating on me... and he's still with the mistress...

i wana know who she is..but then again, I shouldnt really care. He's dirty for that shit... jus cuz i wouldnt give him some pune any longer... bcuz i was tryna be closer to my Lord and Savior, he turns around and gets it from elsewhere...


silly SOB... i knew it all along tho... all the nights he'd call me late, and get off the fone at the SAME time EVERY NIGHT!!? Silly fool, im not stupid...or am I... am i stupid for believing him when he said he was being true?

I was torn between tellin him off and just leting it sit..

I told him off... I told him how i was no dummy and how i knew, and how immature he was for steppin outside of the relationship. <<<- in short...

so he claims that his feelings for me changed b4 i decided not to have sex with him... that may be the case... but, when that happened, iight... he got that one... but still HE'S the one that was changin, not me

I guess when I got to college we jus grew apart... so what... we both knew it was gunna happen, we want totally different things for our lives....

but must he have stepped out side of the relationship? like do u know where i am? IM AT HOWARD!!!!!!!!!!! do u know how many... iight, thats not the point, the past is the past... i know that there is something to learn from this, but so far i only think that its to make me even more paranoid...

He has made me SOOOOOOO mad tho, like y does he still hold the power to royally pyss me off? I dont get it? like at this point in time, if i died, i wouldnt want him at my funeral... like... i dont wana HATE him or be SPITEFULL towards him... and i dont want my cousin goin bak to jail for whoppin his ass either... but right now... i feel ALL of the above... like i wana ride or die right now... i can rfeally inderstand bus the windows out yo car now... if he had a car... id be right there wit a bat...

Its time to ride or die... like... he has truely pyssed me off... i dont ever wana hear from him again... like.. i THOUGHT that he could be the one that i could have a friendship with... but i see that i was WRONG in thinking that...

I cant believe i waisted 2 years on his ass... well i dont really think it was a waiste... God puts ppl in ur life for a reason... im still tryna figure out y he put that fool in mine... i know i learned some crucial lessons, but im not ready to admit them to myself yet... oh well... i know this is really immature of me to say at this point in my 18 years and 9 months of living...but

I hope she gives him the clap..and some more stuff... and i hope it burns wen he pees... and i hope his balls fall off...

i know im wrong... like thats really wrong... i know... but right now...its how i feel... ill appologize for it next week....

yeah...i couldnt find the real video...all the embed thingys were disabled... sorry loves...

HAHA...he said im immature... cuz i said i was guna cut him up for txting "duces"

i dont care.... i told him that im GOOD with where im at for my age... and that he needs to get okay with him self... then attempt to come for me... which could never happen... PHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

6 people left me some shugga!:

Khyote said...
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Anonymous said...

yo... khyle.... this is baillis post

Khyote said...

Damn bailli, how could he not respect that. Tsk.

But the only reason he still has that power to piss you off like this, and because you enable him to. (not literally) But like, I can tell you still have feelings for him. And that is his power...

But again, you can not feel so negative toward a person. It will slow your emotional growth and wisedom... So bailli please, I know it STILL hurts to know that he lied, that he fucked up SOO hard, but listen, you've got to know:
He didn't deserve someone like you. He couldnt respect someone like you. And he wasnt READY for anything like what you asked for.

Ppl grow maturely at different rates. And you kinda grow a bit faster then he did. I KNOW the pain, and it is just sooo.... UUUUUUUUUUHHHHG!!!!! I HATE that DEEP hurt feeling, but you have addressed it, and it is NOW you walk past it. Ok bailli? Shit, Im right here for you. BE STRONG

Khyote said...

I read this ealier today and it said it was by you. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry. OMG, embarrassed as hell.

But in all, I fucking meant that advice to whom ever needed it.

B. Coles said...

is that y there's a deleted post? its str8... but yeah... im over it... well i mean, im over the anger part anyways... i still feel like a lil hurt by the situation but fo real fo real... im not even stressin about it anymore... like i barely even think about it anymore and when i do i dont have angry feelings about it anymore... ur right, he is all of those things and the thing is... he said all the same shit about hisself... im not ready for some1 like you, u deserve better, yada yada yada.. but in the end, i guess that jus means that shes a slum jaunt... oh well.

B. Coles said...

oh and thanx kyle... even tho the comment i made was in response to ur comment... i forgot to say thanx