
Is it mutual?

Look. Have you ever felt like you were connected to someone by some.. invisible link..? Or something weird way?

Like, let's say, as you lie down to go to sleep. You close your eyes and just feel like you are with someone sometimes. And you can feel their presences, their warmth, and sometimes smell them.
You ever felt like that?

Or like you daydream about something random, then you are just snapped back by like, some interruption? Interruption meaning, you seen a person's face but you could not quite tell who it was, you had a vivid vision of a place you might soon go to, or have been to.
Have you ever experienced anything like that?

I can't really explain it. But I am basically trying to ask;

Have you ever felt you felt what someone else was feeling? Have you ever thought you were thinking exactly like someone? Ever feel like when you thought about someone and they were thinking about you? Do you think there is something like a mental link between people?

It is kinda hard to get a single point out. I should have thought it out a bit more, but we all like that right? Iight then. Let me know.

Thank you.

0 people left me some shugga!: