
You're not SUPERMAN you know..


Sooooo i've been hearing from a lot of males lately about the fact that they are sick of the "independent woman" thing going on... AND although I often like to self proclaim my self an independent woman... i can't help but agree with some of there arguments... Now now.. some males are just upset because the independent woman revolutions is overpowering their chauvinistic actions and ways BUT some have good arguments and i will support them and add my own..

I think that woman do a lot, and put a lot of pressure upon themselves to be what they believe is perfect. Now with this new added revolution of the independent woman they have brought this level of perfection to new heighten levels. and this stress is bringing on a whole new meaning to the "angry black woman" because not only is she angry at the males, but now she is angry because she is not reaching the goals she set so high for her self. Sometimes females, my self included, need to just let everything be... Like sometimes guys want to cater us and be the "male" that they've been taught to be, and by us being the independent woman, we sometimes push theses actions, positive actions away... we are then left with there negative actions.. and thus.. angry again.. Men need to have someone dependent upon them.. they thrive off of that... As a man, to define themselves they feel they need to protect and supply... when we as female become so overly independent we do not let males have the opportunity to protect and supply... Also really though! really!!!! We need men... okay now you guys(well girlss) probably are mad at me. YES we can survive without them BUT God made us in a pair. MAN AND WOMAN.. what better example do you need. if God himself realized the need of companionship of the opposite sex then whyy not take his word???
I don't know...
I'm an independent woman... i can survive on my own... i can do what i want how i want without a guy by my side... BUT i can't help but realize the need for a significant male partner in my life...

any thoughts???


Quotee timeee : Then the LORD God formed a woman from the rib that he had taken from the man. He brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She will be named [woman] because she was taken from man."
Genisis 2:22-23

1 people left me some shugga!:

Khyote said...

Sounds to me Men don't need women since your us. I can basically depend on myself. It'll be no different if I had a woman because she is from me.


But uh, independent women. You all can do as you want, as you plz. Just do not impede on my life, or say I am impeding on yours. Thank you.