
Egg Donor Strikes Again.

She's at it again people.
Another successful scam by the egg donor I am forced to call my mother.

"Never doubt anything that is logical"

That's what I read in the fortune cookie I had for breakfast this morning on my way to work. I interpreted it as.. never put anything below my mother. Any possible thing she could do, she may do, and I shouldn't doubt that just because we're related by blood.

Verbal abuse is one thing. Being called ugly, or fat or constantly being told to apply make up to cover my acne. Every day when I woke up in the morning she would look at me with her top lip all scrunched up and say, "Ugh, why don't you go wash your face or something?". Little did she know she was probably the cause of my acne. Even at ages as late as 17 I was told I was a slut or looked like a hoe for having male friends. Maybe she was jealous.

However, her actions are another category in itself.

It used to be the small stuff like asking me for money. Then it turned into her taking the money herself. After that she'd pick my checks up from work for me, and cash them herself. Then she opened up credit cards in my name, stealing my identity. Then she let those credit cards go delinquent and refused to pay for them. Now she's threatening to take me to court and transfer an old cell phone account, that's going to collection, to my social so that it affects my credit not hers. But that isn't even the worse of it all.

I am an upcoming sophomore at Boston College. My financial adviser e-mailed me yesterday saying that there was discrepancy on my taxes. She said I had filed for head of household and that I couldn't have done that because I don't contribute anywhere near 50% of the total income in the house. My mother contributes most of it. Even though she doesn't work she receives social security benefits and child support which definitely is more than the mere 3 or 4 thousand I made working 3 months in the summer.

My mother has been doing my taxes for the past two years. She lets me somehow claim my younger sister so that I get more money and with that money I give her a portion. That's when it hit me. She was using me. She doesn't file for taxes because she doesn't work.

The funny thing is I should have known she was cheating on my taxes. Me and her hardly even talk because we're always fighting and she became real sweet during tax time. God, I should have known.

Now I'm going to have to amend my taxes and refile. Which means I have to give the IRS back my tax return and possibly owe them after refiling.

This really sucks y'all because the combination of both years my mother did my taxes is over 2 thousand dollars.

I'm about to have to pick up two more jobs.


1 people left me some shugga!:

mellow yellow. said...

woooooooww, i can't believe that...i mean, knowing how crazy your mother is i guess i can..but wow.

its just crazy because i remember how amped u were to recieve your tax return because she did let you claim your sister, etc...and now you have to give it all back and maybe more??

fuckin rediculous..