
mighty mos

This joint mad old but I had to put on one of my fav MC's. Mos kills it and the video is too funny, especially dude right behind Mos Def (talk about supporting your man..smh). But yea, hip hop ain't dead people, you just have to find it.
-Album: Ecstatic... Release Date: June 9, 2009

"how can you not be the illest emcee with jesus rockin nxt to you?"
- unknown YouTube member

Oh and we didn't forget...

The way he's talking, You would think they were under the influence of something, nonetheless pretty cut and dry. I'd pay bread to see this tho (it'll never happen).

2 people left me some shugga!:

Fresco said...

That freestyle is most def epic shit!

Kenny F said...

haha... i kno son