
"Recycle your relationships, go green and stop wasting your energy"

So i was at this grown folks talk about sex and relationships thingy and it was really good! Here are some of the best quotes of the night... and of course my thoughts on them.

1. "A lot of times women find out they've had game run on them, nine times out of ten, they arent going to do anything about it, and men know this...the men who do run game, run game bcuz they dont care whether or not they loose you."

-iight, so there are two sides to this...
1... this guy was exactly right!...and thats about it.. i think he hit the nail right on the head
2...hows a girl sposed to kno wen shes had game run on her? and whats she sposed to do?
1st of all, a lot of times females kno that their guy is being less than sincere, but we jus choose not to listen to our intuition, hoping that we're over reacting and being paranoid. and 2nd of all, if she really does find out, the hard way, that shes had the game run on that ass, she does something like, whop that ass! jkjk, i feel like she could threaten to leave, or actually leave until he falls on bended knee and begs her to return...

2. "A man will change his woman b4 he changes his ways."

-aint that the truth! this jus goes to show that men are not easily changed...so if u dont wana loose ur man, dont try to change him.


3. "the only reason a man is going to stop cheating, is when he finds a woman that wont let him cheat."

-self explanitory

and this one is for the dudes

4. "Do whatever you want ur woman to do. If you want your woman to cheat, keep on cheating."


so yeah, let me kno what yall think about these.

2 people left me some shugga!:

Anonymous said...

1. ok i feel like this statement is two different parts...
one being, women aren't going to do anything about it when they find out game has been run on them.
i might just agree with this statement just because i constantly witness women going back to men that are playing them.
now two, dudes rum game because they don't care if they lose you. i partially agree with this, i think that is one instance but other dudes are just bored and a lot of dudes just don't know what they want and decide to try to make everyone involved happy.

and i agree with your commentary

2. i love this one. it's just soo well said however it isn't always true.. i feel like for a certain type of man this can be true... although this is rare, i believe men can be just as needy and clingy as women are and that a needy/clingy/dependent man will change everything about him to get a certain woman..
i'm talkina bout the albert brennamans..

now about your comment... if you feel you have to change your man he isn't for you. POINT BLANK. there is a man that doesn't need changing out there for everyone.

3. but in order to find out if she will let him or not doesn't he have to try it?
i'm not sure what i think about this one just because 'a woman that won't let him cheat' sounds so controlling and i think that can be overbearing and drive a man away..

4. i don't think this one is just for the dudes... this is a unisex golden rule of relationships... treat your spouse how you want to be treated. lol.

whats with the otters bailli? lol

B. Coles said...

3...i think it has more to do with the females personality. like if he thinks shed be passive about it and jus sit bak and let it happen, OR if she is not passive in the relationship as a whole...
i feel like its kinda like...children and parents... like say one night i (personally) wana drive to tiajuana for the weekend... i, am 19... and a grown ass woman, but then again i kno Big G..and she aint havin it, bcuz she is not a passive parent. and i wouldnt even try to sneak off bcuz i kno she'll get my ass good if i get caught
then on the other hand, a passive parents child would not care what their parent would say or do bcuz they kno the re procutions will be...not so threatening...
feel meh?
and the otters were cute, i jus googles relationship pix and they came up... i thought it was adorable