

the eSMACKERS are at it again...
Tell me ECP, how the hell are you gonna talk smack on a YOUTUBE VIDEO COMMENT??

So my mom told me to make a youtube video for the pit puppies one of my dogs just had. I said to myself.. who makes ads on youtube?? for puppies?? But she told me to just do what she said and she'd pay me $300 when a puppy got sold. So I did it. And hey, I admit the video is made sketchy cuz she didn't give me any pics or anything..
You can look at it here.

I told her that weirdos in Liberia and Somalia were gonna call her and that no one that was actually interested in buying puppies would see it.. But she didnt listen.. And look what happened..

uneed2hearthetruth (22 hours ago)
hey's spelled brindle...and you seriously are the type of person that should NOT be breeding pit bulls. and why no pictures? just plain weird

So I said...
SpAzZoJaZz0 (3 hours ago)
look asshole im not the one breeding the pit bulls my mother told me to put the ad up and she told me what to type and she didn't give me pictures. so before you go making assumptions know the whole story. you're calling ME just plain weird? YOU are the one on youtube just to make comments on peoples videos. do something with your life.

And then he said...

uneed2hearthetruth (1 hour ago)
ok like I'm worried about what you make this ghetto ass "used car" type video to sell puppies. maybe your mom should have got her dog spayed. maybe your mom should have been spayed.

So I said...

SpAzZoJaZz0 (6 minutes ago)
and like anybody is worried about what you think?
your hobby is commenting rude things on peoples youtube videos and MY mom should have been spayed? Sounds like yours should have.

I don't even know why I'm entertaining this foo. Maybe it's just cuz I'm in a bad mood... Well, I thought it was pretty funny anyway lol.

0 people left me some shugga!: