
famous girl.

Christian Rich - Famous Girl
Damn, that vid is deep.
There are many ways to interpret it..
I came up with a few.

First I thought about it as like... people that conform and try to cover who they really are. But you can't escape and show you're true self because you are out numbered by the massiva amount of people that have conformed.

But then I was like wait the title is 'Famous Girl' so I took my first theory and thought of it on a larger scale. Females in the industry are forced to conform, to be something they aren't, sell sex and skin and its like a gang... the only way out is a coffin [not literally] but like.. if you try to get out the people that made you will ruin your life. Tear you into pieces so that they are your only option.

But then I'm confused as to why there were a few unmasked people..

What do you guys think the video means?

1 people left me some shugga!:

B. Coles said...

this is a tough one... id prolly have ur answer if i hadnt read ur opion first...
but i think now...after finishing the video...
its a lot like what you said... she was all masked (conformed) at first... but then she saw the masks of the previous conformies... kinda like how a drug addict sees the headstones of dead addicts that passed b4 them... and that shocked her out of it... when the still comformed ppl saw that she was done with that life style, they got jealous, and killed her...
i also noticed that the unmasked ppl (in the beggining of the video) would not look at her, like she had a scarlet letter on her 4head or something... but the masked ppl were very attracted to her, im sure that has something to do with it... but idk what yet... ill have to watch it a few more times