
you THINK you know, but you have NO IDEA: College Life... Self Identity

When I was still in high school I had a best friend that was on her way into college. We were like twins. Like inseparable... My biggest fear was that she would go far away, and we would not be able to chill and hang out as much. When she decided to go to a local college we were both souped. all "woo whoo we can be friends forever." I thought the least of my fears was over. Little did I know that after that september things would change forever... it was weird.. we'd hang out and chill but she was a different person. And sooner than later, we drifted apart.

College is hard. It is even more difficult to maintain a good sense of identity while in college. Being in college challenges everything about who you are/claim to be. It's because you're so far from your comfort zone. You're so far from the place that you had identified your self by for so long. The people who surrounded you for four year or all your life were not in arm's reach anymore. Everything is different. No direct discipline. No Parents. No curfew. No one telling you to do this or that. And in place of everything lost, you receive drama and responsibility.

BUT this change does not have to be for the worst... It is true, everyone has their down times. When they no longer feel like themselves. But i feel like that is all in the process of growing and gaining a NEW self-identity. It's impossible to stay the same person you were freshman year of high school. And if you did stay the same, that just means you remained un-flourished... and you didn't grow. I believe that this growth is important for the continuation of life in the real world

I think that it is important to maintain the "good parts" of you and add upon them. Because in college those "good parts" are questioned and put down... And when you submit to the "ways" of college, and you change your self for (i guess) "acceptance" Your stuck lost in you own identity.. trying to figure out who exactly you are and want to be.. You spend everyday pretending to be "Jenn the College Student".. You just have to go through these experiences and learn from them and become the best person that YOU can be... and you do this all for you, don't be the person that you're bestfriend or boyfriend or ANYONE wants you to be.. you have to be content with yourself first and from there i think all else will come naturally

NEWHOOOOOO i really love this song, and when i was writing this song was in my head the whole time... enjoy :-)

peaceee :-)

quoteeeee: "Look at me. You may think that you know who I really am, but you'll never know me. Everyday it's as if I play a part..." -Christina Aguilera "Reflections"

1 people left me some shugga!:

B. Coles said...

I agree with this post in most ways...
but i also think that if you have a good foundation, like up bringing and all that good stuff, i feel like it'd be easier to not change the already "good parts" of yourself...or atleast not change them to be accepted by others.
But on the other hand, college is for well as the education we pay out our hineys for.
Idk...i just feel like everyone changes throughout college (duh) but if u have a good foundation, then u change in all the right ways.
And if you dont, then u learn from your faux pau and then u dont change for others... lol

PS-im not in any way, shape, or form saying that if u change in college for others, then u dont have a good foundation, im jus sayin... whats above... lol