
Granny's E-mails [the third]

If you've never read Granny's Emails before.. here's a link to the last one.
This email is pretty self explainatory. Enjoy.

That song is from Hairspray if you wondered why it was so familiar.

idk about this do you say whack in the most non disrespectful way lol

The speech was entirely too long so if you didn't have a chance to read it before I read it... well... thats just... tough...

1 people left me some shugga!:

B. Coles said...

the 1st video...almost left me in tears...the 2nd video...i got to about 43 seconds and decided that i didnt have 5 more minits to waste. the article was way too long but it was powerfull and worth the read! These emails from grama are priceless!